24 March 2024

Vroom Vroom

Last November I shared some Soul Coughing releases here & here


Head honcho, obnoxious frontman, & stream-of-consciousness poet for Soul Coughing was one Mike Doughty. Love him or hate him, most all will agree that he creates / writes / plays some damn fine music. Recently he has been lending his skills to Ghost of Vroom. GoV has much more of the Soul Coughing vibe than Doughty's solo work, imho.

Doughty sez:
     "Scrap (Andrew Liningston) and I had been doing this thing where we were improvising during songs, using an adapted, simplified form of the game pieces I learned from John Zorn in the 1990s. Hand signals for changes in the music: starting and stopping individual players, simplifying and creating complication, changing the volume, dropping into chaos and suddenly switching back to order. And we loved doing it. It transformed us into a nimble, live-remixing machine. So we wanted to try a without-a-net version - some pieces started with grooves we'd worked out beforehand, some totally freeform. We did this weekly residency, every Friday for two months at Harvard and Stone, in Thai Town, Los Angeles, using people we'd worked with and players from around L.A. that we loved. It was absolutely thrilling, and mesmerizing for the audience to watch, and to hear. I guess this is what we want to do when we grow up."

Here are Vroom 2, 1, & 3...


Ghost of Vroom - 2 EP, mod y vi records V4VI008CD, 2020.
all decryption codes in comments

Rona Pallona
Chief of Police
Ghost of Vroom - 1, mod y vi records MYVI009A, 2021.

Side A -
More Bacon Than the Pan Can Handle   
Memphis Woofer Rock   
50,000 Bonus Miles
Beat Up Born Where I Come From   
Send a Letter to the Moon

Side B -
I Hear the Ax Swinging   
Miss You Like Crazy   
Bad Credit No Credit   
James Jesus Angleton   
They Came in the Name of the People
Ghost of Vroom - 3, mod y vi records MYVI011, 2023.

Pay the Man
Still Getting it Done
Let Up
As the Kid Goes for Broke
Yesterday in California
Reign of the Hummingbird
Your Bones in the Mud
Raincheck Jones
Cold Smoke
Slipping Off Your Wrist
I Had to Do It

 Here are a couple live gigs from the bands recent residency at Harvard & Stone in Thai Town, Los Angeles February 2022.
Ghost of Vroom - Live in Los Angeles, February 11, 2022.

Set 1 -
Soul in the Void Alright
Very Quiet Chaos
Now Is an Appropriate Time to Ingest Your Ketamine Lozenges
I Hold that Winning Hand
Otherwise I'm Slipping

Set 2 -
Waiting for the Heat to Come On
Don't Hurt Yourself
As Long as We Know Where the Other One Is
Viva the Salamander Man



  1. Ghost of Vroom 2
    Ghost of Vroom 1
    Ghost of Vroom 3
    Live in L.A. Set 1
    Live in L.A. Set 2

  2. I did not know if this was the kind of thing I would be in to, but I saw the GoV 3 cover and all praise to Droste. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droste_effect Because you can't judge a record by its cover, and I'm a rebel, so I will start listening.
    Stumbled at the first hurdle, missing link to GoV2

    1. Link now applied. I am THE MISSING LINK! Thanks, Richard.

  3. Tip upside and let the man go, let the man go thru.. Thanks Nathan!

    1. I guess your ketamine lozenge kick in all right. Thanks, brother.

  4. FYI, There's no link for Vroom 2, only the code

    1. Now code has a brother. Thanks for the heads-up.

  5. Great share NØ many thanks bro

  6. Thanks for uh zoom zipping these!

    1. I said it before & I'll say it again Vroom Vroom.

  7. Big fan of Soul Coughing and Mike Doughty's solo work as well but this is new to me. Thanks N0!

    1. Playing catch up, MrDave. Glad to have you on board again. IMO Vroom is superior to Doughty's solo stuff so hope you enjoy. Still has that Soul Coughing twisted sense of...
