07 May 2024

A Little Porno Detour - $igue $igue $ex $tars

Taking a breather from filling the gaps & connecting the dots. Here's a first for NSS.

The brain child of former Generation X bass player Tony James, Sigue Sigue Sputnik formed in 1982 with Martin Degville on vocals & Neal Whitmore (Neal X) on guitar, later to be joined by Chris Kavanagh & Ray Mayhew, both on drums, as well as Yana YaYa on keyboards & synths. 


The key to Sputnik's sound was gifted largely by The Clash. Mick Jones donated a Pro 1 synth & Roland guitar synthesizer while Topper Headon & Terry Chimes each donated drum kits to Ray & Chris respectively. When combined with Neal X's riffs, Degville's vocals, along with the inclusion of some of the first sampled dialog & effects in music, a new SSS unique sound was birthed.

Kirkland Ciccone sez it best:
     "a group of refugees from a dystopic future propel themselves backwards in time to Thatcher's Britain, bringing their music with them. And the music? Synth heavy Dubby dance tracks with samples crashing in and out of sync, complete with jagged bursts of guitar, like a car's exhaust pipe farting outside a pop party in Covent Garden."

Flaunt It! might be their highest ranked, but this is my favorite... 


$ci-Fi $ex $tars - Rock 'N' Roll Mixes, Sigue Sigue Sputnik self-released, 2000.
decryption code in comments

Rockit Miss U.S.A. (Madman Vs Speedranch)    
Love Missile F1-11 (Dakeyne megamix)
Teenage Thunder (Sputstyle)    
Razz Crazy    
The Future's on Fire with Rock 'N' Roll    
Monalisa Overdrive    
Youth Juice    
Suicide (Live Sept. '86 London)    
From the Gutter to the Stars



  1. Rock ‘N’ Roll Mixes

  2. Richie Muster5/7/24, 11:16 AM

    Thanks very much.

  3. I have this love for Sigue Sigue that dates back to their first releases. It was an musical version of Max Headroom, a mocking, somewhat tongue in cheek, dystopian commentary on our western culture, possibly too early and hip for the room. With all the modern love for dystopian fiction, especially in teen fiction, it may be time for something similar to hit.

  4. I have this love/fascination with SIgue Sigue that dates back to the first releases. They were an audio analog to Max Headroom... A gleeful, tongue-in-cheek dystopian dramedy, possibly too hip (and dumb at the same time) for the room. With the current fascination with dystopian fiction, especially among teens, it may be time for someone to make another stab at it.

  5. Yes. & yes, indeed. Too hip & dumb at the same time perfectly sums up SSS. They tried so hard, they succeeded & failed equally. I agree that some band oughta give it another go. Thanks for the coment(s).
