20 June 2009

Re-ups & fixed links

Finally getting around to re-uploading & fixing old link problems that have brought to my attention. Sorry if I didn't get to it in a timely manner, as I was having computer meltdown that I just recently fixed. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to let me know about these problems. I spend a good bit of time posting musick here & it is great when visitors take the time to let me know about problems.

to That Guy's a JERK...the Exploited Jesus is Dead ep links are repaired.

to Peter...I will get the Nasal Sex album from my other hard-drive & try to repost it tomorrow. I will leave word here. UPDATE: Sorry it took a few days longer than I expected. I searched everywhere for the mp3 rip of the Nasal Sex album but no luck...for me that is. For you, good luck. Some time after the original post I started using SoundForge instead of Audacity & I got a newer USB turntable, so the sound should be improved. Enjoy.

to almudeno69...I am definitely interested in some more Honeymoon Killers. i will e-mail you & see what we can work out.

to zanate...I will find the Legendary Pink Dots you asked about & post it ASAP. check back, plus I'll let you know. UPDATE: See comments.

Now if all you whiny punks will just shut the fuck up,
I'll get on with my own bi'nez!
(just kidding, please let me know of any broken links that you are interested in hearing)

Thanks again,


  1. whats up Nathan! here Zanate.

    Man! thanks for the chemical playschools!!! i already got volume 10, but the rest will be awesome!!!


  2. Zanate,

    here you go...
    artwork & track breakdown for 11-12-13 included in various files.


  3. MAN!!!

    THANK YOU!!!


  5. Nathan,

    All I will say is that you have definitely hit the nail on the head. Nice work. I didn't hink anyone would get this one, but you seriously deserve the title for the "Crown Prince of Esoteric Music".

    I have a question for you. I know that you regularly contribute to the Digital Meltdown blog, and I was wondering if you would be able to persuade the person who runs that blog to post a link to Eclectic Grooves on the blog links page. I would imagine that his site gets a lot of traffic, and could be helpful in exposing more people to my blog.

    Thanks for checking out and participating in the Plain Brown Wrappers series.

    Best, Kevin


  6. Dr. No,
    Thanks for the comment over at our place and the proposed product placement. We couldn't be more thrilled. We would say we're starving artists, but actually, we're just kinda hungry... for reasons we think you might understand. We've done the linkage thing and appreciate your initiative and good taste. Well... your kindness, anyway.
    All the best,

  7. It was certainly interesting for me to read that article. Thanks for it. I like such topics and anything connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.

  8. hey Nathan,

    Here's almudeno69
    write me at
    almudeno69_AT_yahooDOTcom about Honeymoon Killers,you r last message was in June

  9. Don't stop posting such stories. I love to read articles like that. BTW add more pics :)
