01 April 2015


Lately I've started having problems with files uploaded to MEGA.

They were perhaps the last bastion of file sharing for this blogger, so we'll see what the (near) future holds.

The access problems seem to be random but quite widespread. If anyone is having problems accessing files from MEGA, please let me know, either here or on the original post & I will do what I can.

Enjoy while we can,

Here’s a note from a friend who’s been researching the problem:

It's not the links to your uploads that are not working; it's that some web browsers have started classifying certain sites as malware in order to block file sharing.

Another option to bypass this roadblock is to use a download manager program, where you copy the link from your browser into the program, and the program downloads the file you want without going through the browser.  

You can download Mipony, one of the free download managers mentioned in a comment on your blog today (as-is it includes a bunch of unwanted add-ons that you have to remove with programs such as Malabytes).  Someone on the Exystence website kindly posted a "clean" version of Mipony without the add-ons here.

Note: For anyone with a bit of initiative, some savvy, or just the desire to DIY...If you take the link designation, add !, then the decryption code provided, you can more directly access the files you desire & I can keep splitting the information between the link & the comment code, thus as is said, fly beneath the radar, as I have been successfully doing up to this point.

Example - On the recent Bill Nelson Chance Encounters post, I right clicked the link & COPY LINK LOCATION, 

which then gave me this     https://mega.co.nz/#!tJYETBwb

I then looked in the comments & got the decryption code for Album One - The Angel, 

which gave me this     l-msn1n-0nEwkJ3ZapgtA6tkBsjC2wMx5OuK7v4EDLk

If I combine the link, !, & the decryption code I get the following...


which is a direct link to the file.

Now you try it.


  1. Off topic - since MEGA is now working; at least so long as decryption key is not required - but could you possibly re-up Tibetan Buddhist Rites of Bhutan ? I was searching for this elsewhere, but it appears you posted this some time back when I had no internet access for a period... The links are still valid, but I can't get them to download no matter how long I shuffle around the decryption issues.

    1. I changed those links to direct download, no decryption code needed.
      Try it out & let me know.
      Thanks, kind sir.

  2. I am reading Krautrocksampler and tried to DL the first Cosmic Jokers LP using your DIY method.

    I got https://mega.co.nz/#!ZAwE2CyB!Gn8WfggY23r1Tj80t1SC-1sAx9sGLm5MaGLbuf60Rww and it led to a download page,but nothing started when I clicked on the link. But when I tried the same "DIY" link through a download program called Mipony, it worked (after I clicked a popup that asked me to accept Mega's terms of service). Certain browsers (including Chrome, Firefox and IE) are now classifying as malware file sharing sites such as Uploaded and Hitfile. The same may be happening to Mega.

    1. Thanks for the update & your take on things. I have been in contact with MEGA & their only solution is "Change browsers or get add-ons". Well, thanks.

      Didn't know about the malware thing but that doesn't sound good. Are they classifying cloud servers or just file host, I wonder.

      Also, I believe rapidshare is no more, not that I use them, but many out here in webworld do.

      I tried the link you mentioned above & had no problem getting the download. I guess I have me browser cleared or added-on, or maybe because it's coming from my own account, who knows.

      The latest chapter in the continuing saga of blogga.

    2. Just read brother jonder's update. Well. I use Firefox, so after much deliberation, I installed the "official" MEGA ADD-ON https://mega.nz/#firefox, and guess what ? It worked too. No pop-ups. Straight to download after pasting in the decryption key.

      The Mipony app, though, sounds promising since it offers support over multi file sharing sites. If I begin to experience issues on Uploaded or other servers, I will certainly give it a try.

    3. Good to hear that the add-on works. I added it early on to my Firefox & have had no problems.

      I agree about the Mipony. I'm not having any problems with other sources yet, but I dl'ed the app anyhow. Thinking, unfortunately, of a worsening web future (wouldn't MORE internet freedom be kool?).

    4. Rapidshare does appear to be dead (or dormant). I have read that you won't have problems with blocked downloads if you are using the Safari browser. I can't get to Oboom files without going through Mipony. Zippyshare seems to be unaffected, at least for now.

    5. According to a page on MEGA, Safari is listed as not recommended. I believe they listed Google Chrome latest as #1, Firefox 20 as #2, shaky after that (Opera, Safari, & the rest). I believe that the problem is not directly related to MEGA & so it's back to that for now.

      Because of download time constraints with Zippyshare, it can get to be a nightmare of re-upping older files, keeping track of all uploads to replace if deleted. I find I already dedicate more time to this @%*&!*ing thing than I really should..

      If the issue is just with Corporate Censorhip of FREE SHARING!!! causing problems with said sharing, & if there are ways to defeat those problems, I guess it falls on each individual to do what she or he has to do to have it how they want it.

      I'll continue to do what I do.

  3. Link!decryption code is working consistently for me and I feel much better about that than I would installing a third-party download manager.

    Thanks for the help & relieved that I can continue to enjoy NSS.

