02 April 2015

By Request

While this MEGA thing has me listening to Born Against at volume 11, thrashing around my own private Hidy-ho, I thought I'd spare you all the mind-numb I'm utilizing to just cope & post up some visitor requests that have been piling up. My filing system is about as organized as the rest of my mental faculties so I just grabbed a few random slips of cardstock I'd hen-scratched some NØ shorthand all over & thrown on my desk (so called).

 Here's the first ones I came up with:

Various - Dry Lungs I

Various - Dry Lungs II

Various - Dry Lungs III

Red Lorry Yellow Lorry - The Singles 1982-87

The Girls - Live at the Rathskeller 5.17.1979

new link & code

The decryption codes are in the comments. If you're having issues downloading, read the MEGA MESS post. Try one of the growing list of suggestions in the post or in the comments. If you want me to do something about it, I can't hear you. "Murder the Sons of Bitches" is screaming through the air, peeling my wallpaper & I don't really care right now. Shut the fuck up & pass me another 40oz.


  1. The "!" method posted works like a charm...and anytime you post the direct links, they work like a charm. Thanks...haven't heard them dry lungs in an age.

    1. Don't like to post too many direct links. The comment split helps deter creeps of the electronic kind. The ! just lets you create your own direct link, just one step removed from me. Trying to help preserve my survival.

      Glad to hear from you again. I as well hadn't listened to the Lungs comps for many moons until a visitor's request. Have been giving them all a listen of late. Some great stuff (Jarboe always good).

  2. Thanks so much for the Girls! Good sounds good. I might have to check out Red Lorry Yellow Lorry too...

  3. Lungs I
    Lungs II
    Lungs III
    The Singles
    Live 5.17.1979
