22 December 2023

The Tenth Dub of Crazemas

Mad Professor – Dub Me Crazy Pt. 10: Psychedelic Dub, Ariwa ARICD057, 1990.
decryption codes in comments

Cool Running Mandela    
Go Deh Nelson, Go Deh    
In King David's Style    
Don't Drink the Piss    
1990 Ariwa Style    
Psychedelic Dub    
Bammie' Riff    
Raging Storm
Open Troppen    
Man from Senegal    
Miss Mood





Special Holiday Gift from Facility 4:

Rotters Golf Club RGC025DL, 2020.

Without Distraction
I Hear the Sun

Bonus Gift for All You Naughty or Nice Kiddies Out There:

A holi-daze spirited Frenz of NSS left a link in the comments to an album that should exist from the late Andrew Weatherall & the Sabres of Paradise. - Haunted Dancehall Addendum. I previously shared Haunted Dancehall here. That & the spate of all things Weatherall-related lately apparently inspired this wonderful soul to create this excellent collection. The hosting site where this gem is housed is only keeping it active for seven days. I felt that was too great a loss to music lovers everywhere. I therefore downloaded the offering, re-uploaded it to a more permanent home, & am sharing it here. 

I created a cover artwork & added a .doc file with source listings..

Here for your aural edification with a huge THANK YOU! to our anonymous friend.


  1. Psychedelic Dub
    Just follow the link
    A Walk Vo. 2

  2. Replies
    1. Most welcome, Have an electro-Dub New Year. Peace.

  3. loving these mad professor posts and the woodleigh stuff is a real revelation; hope you have a great christmas nathan! i've made a companion collection to 'haunted dancehall' if anyone is interested


    1. Thank you for the comment, but most of all for the fantastic Haunted Dancehall Addendum. Incredible work. I see that the wetransfer link expires in seven days. I hope you don't mind if I upload the copy I grabbed to a more permanent home. It is such a great endeavor & I would hate for it to disappear so soon. Let me know if you have an issue of me posting a new link in a reply here.

    2. No problem! I have enjoyed your posts for a long time now, glad i could give a tiny something back (and keep weatherall’s work alive)

    3. Thank you so much for this. I added an update to the post with a new link for all to see. Hope it meets your approval. Have a wonderful holi-daze. Any time you have anything else to contribute, it would be greatly appreciated. But this gift at this time of year is well enough for me to be forever in your debt.

    4. ouch! apologies for the shoddy version of 'rumble summons'...

    5. Nothing shoddy about any of this great production. I just wanted all of it to be worthy of all the work you obviously put in & tried to do my small part to elevate it to the level it deserves. No need for any apologies & I'm sorry if I seemed to be being critical. I was simply trying to state what meddling I did with your project. 99% perfection deserves 100% is all. Thank you again from everyone here.

    6. just noticed the underdog version of theme could be better too; in the interest of chasing perfection you may want this; https://we.tl/t-gn47VQSkCw

  4. Thank you very much for all the excellent albums and passionate write-ups! Happy holidays and all the best for the new year! Best wishes from Munich

    1. The same to you for the holi-daze, brother. I have a few Sven-inspired posts coming in January. Thanks for your support & input. Enjoy.
