14 February 2024

Fab, Trip 14

A Valentine’s day offering of sweet shadows...

Two Philadelphia-based brothers Travis & Steven Fogelman had a dream. Their dream was to create the perfect Trip-hop band. The only thing was that they needed a singer. So they put an ad on an online musician's board looking one.

At the same time Natalie Walker was attending a small college in Indianapolis. She had been in a funk/folk trio in high school but now her bandmates had gone their separate ways (Jeremy to Berklee School of Music in Boston & Kyle to University of Indiana). Natalie was studying humanities & looking for an outlet for her talent when she came across an ad for "singer wanted". 


She contacted Travis Fogelman. He & Steve showed her a sample of a song they were working on. Natalie loved it & within a few short days "Sad & Lonely" was written, completed, & recorded. & the rest is Daughter Darling.

Well, not exactly. It took over a year for Travis to talk Natalie into uprooting her life & moving to Philadelphia to take a chance on their musical future. But since this is a Valentine love story, well, everything worked out great & Daughter Darling was formed.

In 2002 they released their debut album.


Daughter Darling - Sweet Shasows, Plain Jane Records, 2002.
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Broken Bridge   
Let Me Speak   
Sad & Lonely   
Things Untold   
Voodoo Games   
You Won't See Me   
Sweet Shadows   
Dust in the Wind (Kansas cover)

Sweet Shadow turned out to be Daughter Darling's only release, but Natalie has gone on to a solo career with numerous full-length, EPs, & singles. She also formed & is vocalist for the Brooklyn downtempo group Mouchette who's latest release was 2020s Late Bloomer.

Enjoy the Trip,


  1. Sweet Shadows

  2. Thank you man.Many new things I've never heard.

    1. Always trying to be fresh. Thanks, brother.
