19 February 2024

Fab, Trip 19


Sola Rosa is the on-going, ever-evolving project of Andrew Spraggon, Aotearoa New Zealand's foremost, critically acclaimed & successful beat-maker, songwriter / producer.

After six years in the band Cicada, Andrew wanted to explore other avenues in his own music journey. He decided to embarked on a new musical project. In 1998, Spraggon took a trip to Mexico, a country that had always held great fascination for him. The trip not only influenced his music, but also his decision about what to call his new project. He put together the Spanish words for rose-colored sun Sol & Rosa, then added the 'a' to make Sola as it flowed better off the tongue.

His version of Trip-hop is a quiet blend of New Zealand & Mexican influences that make it ideally unique.

About his music, Andrew sez:
     "In the 80s I grew up with synth pop, then a lot of post-punk. Things took a turn in the 90s when my influences changed and I started to dig artists like Funkadelic, James Brown and Public Enemy. Shortly after this I discovered labels such as Ninja Tune, Mo' Wax, Guidance and a series of compilations called Dope On Plastic. I was also heavily influenced by producers like David Holmes, DJ Shadow and Howie B." 


Sola Rosa - Haunted Out-takes, Festival Mushroom Records, 2003.
decryption code in comments

Ready Now    
Easy / Uneasy    
Scratch Apprentice    
No More Rain    
Go Underground    
Deep Water
unlisted track -
Haunted Out-take

Enjoy the Trip,

1 comment:

  1. Haunted Out-takes
