20 February 2024

Fab, Trip 20

Bet you didn't know Doris Day did Trip-hop. Well, now you know..

This Doris Day is a band from Linköping, Sweden, formed in 1989. It is the brainchild of Markus Gylling along with friends Lisa Carlioth, Brigid Raine, & Mike Barrett. Around this same time they had been making alternative soundtracks or, as they called them, "romantic interpretations" of some of their favorite 50s American movies. Lisa, already a promising singer, was used on some tracks, while the boys sang or toasted on others. The project went through numerous stops & starts until the autumn of 1996 when they released their debut full-length album Live in Poland


Doris Day - Live in Poland, Some Pearls PEACD01, 1996.
decryption code in comments

I Wait in Warsaw (intro)    
To Ulrike M.    
Postcard from Rome    
This Girl I Had    
To Janusz    
The Cryer    
Quiet Withdrawal    
Mama's Motel (outro)

Enjoy the Trip,

1 comment:

  1. Live in Poland
