11 April 2024

5AD: The Rest of Request

Fellow blogger Mooz requested Various - Shaving the Pavement

This is one I didn't have. 

I reached out to friends & thanks to Reb Jukebox & Cosmas, here it is in glorious FLAC. This was a compilation of 4AD artists. The cassette was given out at the "Shaving the Pavement" tour, spring 1996. 


Various - Shaving the Pavement cassette, 4AD PRO_C8096, 1996.
all decryption codes in comments

Side A -
Tinkerbell - Lush
Where is the Love
Mercy (KCRW acoustic) - Mojave 3
You Said (Electric version) _ Scheer

Side B -
Team Player - Liquorice
Small Heads - Lisa Germano
The Devil _ Heidi Berry
ESP Summer _ His Name is Alive
Halfway to Madness - Tarnation
Pacer - The Amps

Not a request but a suggestion from DownUnderground. Great fellow blogger that deserves these next three... 
Lush - Spooky, 4AD cad2002cd, 1992.

Nothing Natural   
Tiny Smiles   
For Love   
Lush - Ladykillers CD1, 4AD BAD6002CD, 1996.

Dear Me (Miki's 8-track home demo)
Lush - Ladykillers CD2, 4AD BADD6002CD, 1996.

Plums & Oranges

Longtime Frenz of NSS Five Guns West requested Throwing Muses - The Fat Skier.

For this vinyl, A side is 33rpms while B side is 45 rpms. Also, the version of "Soul Soldier" here is a different version from the one on their self-titled release.

Here's my best shot...
Throwing Muses - The Fat Skier mini-album, 4AD MAD706, 1987.

a -
Garoux des Larmes   
Pools in Eyes   
A Feeling   
Soap & Water   
And a She-Wolf after the War   
You Cage   

b -
Soul Soldier

Last one, made it just under the wire. Brian requested some 4AD Wolfgang Press which can be found here & here or one somewhere in this mess. But here's the Xymox - Blind Hearts 12" request.
Xymox - Blind Hearts 12", 4AD BAD711, 1987.

Side A-
Blind Hearts
A Million Things

Side B -
Scum (Dance mix)


Jonder dropped his request after-hours, but because he's a personal friend of mine, I'm going to make this exception...

Nothing Special   
Happy Blues
Write My Name in the Groove   
Your Cheating Heart   
Our Last Affair   
One Year   
Karins Blues   
Are We Still Married   
Some Day My Blues Will Cover the Earth   
Last Time

bonus track -
Some Day My Blues Will Cover the Earth (Ectomorph Electro Storm mix)



  1. Various - Shaving the Pavement
    Lush - Spooky
    Lush - Ladykillers CD1
    Lush - Ladykillers CD2
    Throwing Muses - The Fat Skier
    Xymox - Blind Hearts 12"
    His Name is Alive - Someday My Blues Will Cover the Earth

  2. Outstanding! Thank you so very much for all of this. I've been aching to hear "Shaving the pavement" again. My tape was a door gift when I saw Scheer, Mojave 3 and Lush back in 96. I wore it out and a tape deck ultimately ate it. The Lush shares are nice as well, thank you. Thumbs up to Jonder for that last minute HNIA request - a solid, though almost out of place album from them. Warn likes to reinvent his "sound" every couple albums and this was part of the R'&B phase with Lovetta singing. I'm glad you included that bonus track, most of the remixes from this album are better than the album itself. Let me know if either of you are interested in more HNIA rarities, as I have quite a lot.

    1. I picked the HNiA album. To be completely honest, I have never been a big fan, although I have listened to most of their output. Someday My Blues is one that I enjoy the most of what I have heard. Jonder has better taste in music, so he might be interested in some things you have to offer.

      Thanks to friends, I was able to secure a copy of Shaving. So glad I could fill your request.

    2. Not true, I definitely don't have "better" taste in music! HNIA is one of those groups that I keep thinking I should get into one of these days. I would be very interested to know what each of you thinks is a good starting place for someone new to HNIA.

      I kinda stopped paying attention to new music in the early to mid 90's when I got married and became a dad, so I missed out on a few things (like shoegaze, trip hop and all that Drag City stuff) almost entirely.

    3. Well, I know Mooz is quite a fan of HNiA, so he would be the best to give any tips as to where to jump off with the band.

    4. Yeah, I do love this band. I checked and I've already posted 7 mixes focusing on their music.

      His Name Is Alive:
      Livonia, Home is in your Head, Mouth by Mouth are the classic goth/shoegaze era.
      Stars on ESP & Ft Lake are the evolution of that into an am radio worship style of pop.
      Someday My Blues & Last Night are the Lovetta era that was mostly R&B
      The Cloud Box is jazz and field recordings mostly.
      Detrola, Xmmer, & The Eclipse are a return to the classic shoegaze/acoustic style but more pop/psychedelic than goth this time.
      Tecuciztecatl and Patterns of Light are their own beast, like a mix of hard rock, psychedelic rock and classic rock jingles.
      All the Mirrors, Return to Never & Hope is a Candle are all home recordings of guitar based ambient.

      My vote for starting place albums are "Mouth By Mouth" as its my favorite and the most diverse. "King of Sweet" because its a beautiful album of fragmented recording blended together into some excellent tracks. Then the Time Stereo label albums like "Rare Tracks In The Snow" & "Emergency LP" because they feature some of their best work outside of 4AD. "The Dirt Eaters" 12" and Friendly Science 7" are easily my favorite two EPs from them. "Someday My Blues Will Cover The Earth" is a very strong album for that era. "Detrola" is pretty good for their newer era, and has some good re-recordings of older songs.

      The "RMX's" and "Remixes" albums are highlights as well. As I mentioned the remixes of the Lovetta era are sometimes better than the album versions. And the dub versions on RMXs are top notch. "Detroit River" has some strong tracks as well including a couple from each of these remix albums.

    5. Mooz, you are a star, my man. Thank you for taking the time to give myself, jonder, & others lingering here a lesson & suggestions about this long-running outfit. I have heard a bit of their material over the years, but don't think I ever heard the RMXs material. Sounds like where I ought to start, fan of Dub that I am.

      Thanks so much for your priceless assistance.

    6. For anyone interested, here's the two remix albums, with a few additional stray tracks, and the Friendly Science 7".


    7. Again, a lifesaver. I wanted to hear the RMX's release but couldn't find it anywhere, the voila. Thanks, Mooz for that & the others.

  3. Thanks the real mill! And the name check. I can't wait to hear this. I played a gig at some tiny record store in SF ... the Ophelias ... and Hugo Largo and Throwing opened up. We were on top of the world then with 'Mr. Rabbit' before the Replacements dood covered it ... I think I have the tape here ... I live in a tour bus still ... park where I want do what I want within the parameters of impermanance. I find the tape I'll bundle it up and send it here.

    1. If you find that tape, I'd love to hear it. Maybe a little Silver & Gold? Throw it on a Reuben sandwich. Thanks, brother. Keep on bussin'

  4. Loving this series so much. Thanks for the Lush singles; definitely didn't have these in my collection until now.

    1. Fresh Lush, excellent. Thanks for the comment.

  5. Magnificent! Nathan you are a first-rate virtuoso in my book with these masterful posts you do per your indubitable, ardent words. I know the feelin' obtaining something like a cassette comp for 'Shaving the pavement' as I used to do on my skateboard back then. Cheers, Beers & Kudos to you brother.

    1. Always glad to share, especially with a friend blogger such as yerself.

  6. Replies
    1. Glad I could fill your request. A great deal of interest in that Blind Hearts EP. Thanks.

  7. Richie Muster4/14/24, 7:37 AM

    Another thank you from this damp corner of Lancashire. I've saved your page and will be returning on as a regular a basis as i can manage. Nicely!

    1. The labels list on right has nearly everything I've shared listed there. Or if you don't see something, use the upper left top search. If the link is dead, let me know & I'll try to fix it if I have it still. Thanks for all your comments. Glad to have you aboard.

  8. Oh My! 4AD is one of my favourite places to go for collecting digitalised music. Thanks Nathan, I believe the term "Filling My Boots!" is in operation as I type...

  9. Amazeballs! Thanks a mil, NSS! I remember 'The Fat Skier' being good, but this is nothing short of great!

    1. No problem, FGW. When you asked about The Fat Skier, I was more than glad to share it with you & all. A really great taste of Throwing Muses.
