07 April 2024

See You in a Few


Just a brief note. 

I'm heading up to the Path of Totality on Lake Erie. Be back sometime after the Total E. I'll finish up with 4AD when I get back. That gives everyone a few extra days if you've got any 4AD request. I'll try to sum things up then & then trudge onward.

For now, I'll leave you with this, from Sailor Song by Ken Kesey...
     "Greer was right about the weird silence. The gulls were silent. The wind. It's like the silence that preceded an eclipse of the sun. He and Jeannie drove to Mexico to watch the last total eclipse of the twentieth century...everybody pulled over to the side of the road, drinking and jiving, watching the sun across the sagebrush being eaten away like a big cookie...Then just before it goes total a thing happens. It's called the Ripple Effect. Sheets of grey light suddenly come fluttering across the ground toward you, like butterfly wings going a thousand miles an hour. Waves of cold grey flame. Even when you have prepared yourself by reading about the Ripple Effect, and halfway understand that it's caused by Einstein's bending of the sun's rays around the moon so they synch up on the earth with other yet unbent rays - Gravity's Rainbow - you still are not prepared for the Effect's impact. Nobody is prepared. No thing. For miles around every entity sucks in its breath and goes dead quiet. Singers, drinkers, birds, donkeys, dogs; the cells in the flesh and probably the charged particles in the cells. Dead quiet. An awe beyond theories and explanations."

I want to experience that...

See you on the darkside of the sun,


  1. nothing to do with your post but was listening to TMC. This is one of my favorites:

    I lit my purest candle close to my
    Window, hoping it would catch the eye
    Of any vagabond who passed it by
    And I waited in my fleeting house

    Before he came I felt him drawing near
    As he neared I felt the ancient fear
    That he had come to wound my door and jeer
    And I waited in my fleeting house

    "Tell me stories," I called to the Hobo;
    "Stories of cold," I smiled at the Hobo;
    "Stories of old," I knelt to the Hobo;
    And he stood before my fleeting house

    "No," said the Hobo, "No more tales of time;
    Don't ask me now to wash away the grime;
    I can't come in 'cause it's too high a climb,"
    And he walked away from my fleeting house

    "Then you be damned!" I screamed to the Hobo;
    "Leave me alone," I wept to the Hobo;
    "Turn into stone," I knelt to the Hobo;
    And he walked away from my fleeting house

    1. A great song "Morning Glory" from a favorite artist of mine, Tim Buckley.

  2. Enjoy your Totality trip!

  3. Hope you'll enjoy that experience! Have fun!

  4. I envy you man! "I want to experience that..." Go get it!!!!


  5. Wow, I saw a total eclipse from a high plain down here some 15 years ago.
    Both amazing and frightening, no one around for miles and miles.
    Understood why some cultures took it as an apocalyptic fact and its true, seems like the world stops.
    You feel like a useless tiny creature...

  6. aboynamedstew4/9/24, 3:07 PM

    hell yes! drove over to ohio to see the totality. was hoping to experience the Ripple Effect as described above, and wouldn't say i saw That, but did see other amazing stuff. hope the clouds stayed away for your viewing!

  7. To all you kindly commented, my reply is in the next post. Check it out.
