10 April 2024


        Thanks to everyone who commented on the last post.   Back in Bumfuck again. Just a little update before I get back to 4AD. 


Here's a picture of The Eclipse Party Wagon. Borrowed from a Mennonite Shyster from Altoona. 


29 foot, sleeps five, full shower & bathroom, stove & microwave, all the comforts of home away from home. We partied down.

Sunday was a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky. Woke up Monday to total overcast & rain clouds brewing. Started raining about 10:30am. By 1:00pm we were getting a bit apprehensive, so we whipped up a Crowleyan Sun chant, chanted & did a Sun Dance. Figured if primitive peoples could do weather magic, so could we. About 1:30 the clouds started breaking up & by the beginning of the eclipse process shortly after 2:00pm, it was nearly clear sky. Had eclipse glasses & I had bought a sheet of lens material & made lenses for our binoculars, so we had a perfect view of the proceedings. There was a bit of high altitude haze so the contrast of light & dark wasn't 100%, so no Ripple Effect unfortuneately. But at total eclipse we threw off the glasses & watched the ring & beads & solar flares with unshuttered eyes. It was an incredible, once in a lifetime event for me.

I thought instantly of primitive humans observing this event & understood the unexplanable awe it must have instilled. With all the knowledge I had, it still was overwhelmingly powerful. The temperature dropped twenty degrees in minutes & was very freaky.

So glad I got to experience the whole thing once before I slip off this mortal coil. 

& with that segue, back to 4AD in a few.



  1. Sounds and looks like incredible fun. Amazing trip.

  2. Kick-ass motorhome. Mirrorball comes next.
    Strange that we never met but I feel happy for you having a good time.
    Maybe the musical bond makes it happen
    A good thing in this selfish world.
    Cheers, dear Man.

    1. We've met, just on another plane.
      & you can believe we cracked out the mirrorball before we hit the road.
      Thanks for the thoughts, my friend.

  3. Just awesome. Glad it could be enjoyed.

  4. Sounds awesome! Definitely the way to do it -- glad you had a good trip!

    1. It was out of this world. Heavenly.
