29 April 2022

Party Like it's 1972

The Edsel label just released a box set (5CDs, 6LPs, or 2LP highlight edition) of T. Rex material entitled 1972.  It includes: The Slider; Live at Wembley: The Mattinee Show (with two previously unreleased mixes from The Evening Show); an expanded Born to Boogie: The Soundtrack Album; Bolan’s U.S. Radio Sessions; T. Rex Christmas Top of the Pops; non-LP B-sides, & the T. Rex Fan Club 1972 flexidisc.

So I've been re-listening to some & listening to much for the first time. Always loved Marc Bolan, who died much too young in a car crash two weeks before his 30th birthday in Barnes, London, 1977.

Here's some folk you probably all know doing their best to honor a swell lad. 



Various - Great Jewish Music: Marc Bolan, Tzadik TZ 7126, 1998.
decryption codes in comments

Children of the Revolution (Arto Lindsay & Marc Ribot)
Telegram Sam (Rebecca Moore)
Get it On (Kramer)
Buick MacKane (Melvins)
Groove a Little (Medeski, Martin, & Wood)
Cosmic Dancer (Lo Galluccio)
Chariot Choogle (Fantomas & Mike Patton)
Ride a White Swan (Tall Dwarfs)
Rip-Off (Chris Cochrane)
Deboraarobed (Gary Lucas)
Mambo Sun (Ezster Balint)
Jeepster (Vernon Reid)
Lunacy's Back (Danny Cohen)
Life's a Gas (Elysian Fields)
Would I Be The One (Sean Lennon & Yuka Honda)
Love Charm (Cake Like)
Scenescof (Trey Spruance)
20th Century Boy (Buckethead)
Romany Soup (Lloyd Cole)
bonus track - Life’s a Gas (Shockabilly)

Children of the Revolution
Telegram Sam
Get it On
Buick MacKane
Groove a Little
Cosmic Dancer
Chariot Choogle
Ride a White Swan
Mambo Sun
Lunacy's Back
Life's a Gas
Would I Be The One
Love Charm
20th Century Boy
Romany Soup


26 April 2022


I've gone on some around here in the past about both Shara Nelson & Massive Attack.

From MA's initial Blue Lines, "Safe from Harm" is a classic. 


I was just listening to Midnight Rocker, the latest from Horace Andy on On-U Sound produced by one of my all-time favorites, Adrian Sherwood. They have a re-imaging of "Safe from Harm" that is one of the top tracks.

Got me thinking about HA's continued work with MA. Here's a few I think are tastee... 


Safe from Harm (from Midnight Rocker)
Name Taken
Splitting the Atom
Spying Glass
Hymn of the Big Wheel
Light My Fire (live UK 1994)
Hymn of the Big Wheel
One Love
Girl I Love You (live on Morning Become Eclectic)


24 April 2022

The Source of a Bad Joke

All right. This is the last mea culpa you're going to get from me. Here are the source codes for the HATED Last Call comp. Follow the links to their delightful ends. Wonders abound.

The Last Call source codes...All decryption codes in comments.

"RL wasn't no real man. A real man gits born, does what li'l he can, and then he dies. That's it! You could remember a real man and say how he lived an' how he died. But RL fooled you. He played guitar when he shouldn't'a been able to, an' nbody knows how he died. Maybe it was the pneumonia, maybe a jealous man. Satan coulda come an' made him bark like a dog 'fore takin' him home.

But us po' fools lookin' fo' his story is lost 'fore we begin. 'Cause Robert Johnson wasn't never born an' couldn't die. He was Delta blue from the bottom of his soul. He was the blues; he is today. Ain't no start to his misery. An' death could not never ease his kinda pain."

from Back Road to the Blues
Soupspoon Wise


track 1 --- "Something on My Mind" - Primitons
from: Don't Go Away: Collected Works

track 2 --- "Mission Impossible" - Lizzy Mercier Descloux
from: Press Color

track 3 --- "Had It" - Mosaico
from: Magic Midsummer

track 4 --- "Pulled to Bits" - The Mars Volta
from : Bedlam bonus tracks

track 5 --- "Another Bad Day" - Beat Ride (Antigoni Kostala)
from : Dreamers EP


Written for a Musician

Hungry for music with a desperate hunger
I prowl abroad, I threaded through the town;
The evening crowd was clamoring & drinking,
Vulgar & pitiful --- my heart bowed down ---
Till I remembered duller hours made noble
By strangers clad in some surprising grace.
Wait, wait, my soul, your music comes ere midnight
Appearing in some unexpected place
With quivering lips, & gleaming, moonlit face.

from The Congo & Other Poems
Vachel Lindsay


track 6 --- "Help" - Yargo
from : Bodybeat

track 7 --- "I Want My Minutes Back" - Snapped Ankles
from: Come Play the Trees

track 8 --- "Just Get High" - The Desert
from: The Disappearing Act

track 9 --- "The Last Dance" - St. Paul & the Broken Bones
from: The Alien Coast

track 10 -- "Everything is Coming to an End" - London Underground
from: Through a Glass Darkly


"He was going now. It was like being washed down a roaring river. & he could see the falls ahead. He was going over the falls & they were rushing toward him with the water roaring in his ears.

He could see the abyss beyond the falls & the drop was long, very long, & he thought his brain would burst.

& he burned all along his nerves as he dropped into a place where the world did not exist, all of it entirely destroyed."

from The Knockout Artist
Harry Crewes


track 11 -- "It's Noy Over Yet" - Klaxons
from: Myths of the Near Future

track 12 -- "Over My Head" - Moloko
from: I'm Not a Doctor

track 13 -- "Final Service" - Ritual Howls
from: Turkish Leather

track 14 -- "Something for Nothing" - 1000 Mexicans
from: Dance like Ammunition

track 15 -- "Or So It Seems" - Duet Emmo
from: Or So It Seems


“Pain moved up the old man's hipbone like a plow breaking through hard sod. So much pain he could barely think. He shit himself on the long walk from the shelter toward home and fell in the street more than once. No one moved to help him --- passersby steered a wide path to get away from the smell. Soupspoon Wise staggered up Bowery toward the East Village imagining being home again, away from the dormitory of disheveled men. Those gibbering and farting men calling out to people who weren't there.

Three blocks from the apartment he felt a crack come into the bone. A blood-black splinter that went so deep he cried out, "Oh no!" His diaphragm trembled and the choked sobs came out in a broken whine. He went down on his left knee while trying to keep the right leg straight. He could have died on that frozen street, counting out the time between sighs --- fingers drumming on his chest.

Music thrummed in his body; the rattles of death in the tortured song of his breathing. Soon he was moving his head to this rhythm; even the crackling pain in his hip pulsed in time. He got back to his feet and hobbled to the new music; reeling and rocking on a river of unsteady feet. Maybe he'd die before he got there. But he'd die singing and making music out of his life the way real men did it a long time ago.”

from RL's Dream
Walter Mosely


track 16 -- "What's Wrong with Me" - Skye Edwards
from: Mind How You Go

track 17 -- "Be About the Future" - Oneness of Juju
from: African Rhythms (1970-1982) CD1

track 18 -- (unlisted in tracklist) "APRIL FOOL"!!! - Patti Smith
from: Banga special edition

track 19 -- "The Sound of Silence" - Chromatics
from: Closer to Grey

track 20 -- "The End" - Dr. Echo
from: Dr. Echo Presents: Cure for the Dubless

Dig deep,

19 April 2022

Dub for Yinz

I have to admit here that I kinda cheated at the retreat I just recently attended. Most of the things I was forced expected to do without for two weeks were no big deal, but I just can't seem to be able to let go of musick. I snuck in my ClipSport & at night I would fall out listening to my player. One of the releases that seemed to best coalesce with the whole spiritual cleansing was Rhythm & Sound - The Versions


Rhythm & Sound are another band that I have always loved. I have featured them before (both See Mi Yah & See Mi Yah remixes). At the core of Rhythm & Sound are Mark Ernestus & Moritz von Oswald. Surrounding that center are artists like Cornel Campbell, Paul St. Hilaire, The Chosen Brothers, Love Joys, & many others.

So here is my guilty Versions (& the originals that spawned them) along with R&S very first outing with Paul St. Hilaire on vocals & occasional guitar. 



Rhythm & Sound - The Versions, Burial Mix BMD-3, 2003.
all decryption codes in comments

King Version
Queen Version
Jah Version
Troddin’ Version
Mash Down Version
Hit You Version
Friend Version
History Version 





King in My Empire
Queen in My Empire
Jah Rule
We Been Troddin’
Mash Down Babylon
Music Hit You
Best Friend
Making History 

Never Tell You
Never Tell You Version
Spend More Time
Spend More Time Version
Ruff Way
Ruff Way Version
Mhat a Mistry
What a Mistry Version
Why Version

Dub All,

16 April 2022

Still Making Amends


Nothing much to say about Joe S & the 101ers but...dig it! 

Remastered reissue of this 1975 album with 9 previously unreleased tracks


The 101ers featuring Joe Strummer - Elgin Avenue Breakdown Revisted,
Astralwerks ASW74458, 2005.
decryption code in comments

Silent Telephone    
Keys to Your Heart (V.1)    
Sweet Revenge   
Motor Boys Motor   
Steamgauge 99    
5 Star R'n'R    
Surf City    
Keys to Your Heart (V.2)    
Sweety of the St. Moritz   
Shake Your Hips (Slim Harpo cover)    
Lonely Mother's Son   
Don't Let it Go (Bo-Diddley cover)    
Keep Taking the Tablets    
Junco Partner (Wee Willie Wayne cover)  
Out of Time (Glimmer Twins cover)   
Gloria (Vain Morrison cover)


14 April 2022

Sincere Apologies

To quote Mark Twain, "The report of my death was an exaggeration."

When I posted The Last Call, I had no idea the chaos that would ensue. 20 comments & a shitload of emails. I apologize.

A combination of my usual sick sense of humor & particularly bad foresight created this incredibly unfortunate fiasco. As carlo 243 so eloquently stated: "That joke isn't funny anymore." or as kostas.p more succinctly said: "Dreadful joke."

Please let me explain.

I have been gone for the last two weeks. I was attending a Buddhist retreat in the Laurel Highlands. Spring cleaning the spirit. Fasting every other days, vow of silence, no use of any devices or even electricity. I spent the time cleansing my soul & body in the bosom of nature. I am centered & pacific but also super invigorated & slightly edgy.

I returned & flipped on the ole PC &...

For a brief instant I actually considered just calling it quits rather than trying to appease all the friends of NSS I have obviously disappointed. But I love music & I'm addicted to sharing the tunes with their  "charms to soothe this savage breast". So I'll just eat some humble pie instead.

I thought I was being clever, posting up an April Fool joke. I even used the photo from Patti Smith's "April Fool" as the cover art & included that track in the download without listing it in the tracklist. I figured everyone would get it & that would be that.

Well, that idea obviously didn't go well.

I think most everyone figured out the joke, but as time wore on, the humor waned & then died. Soon its corpse was stinking up the place. I called the meatwagon to haul off the remains as soon as I returned. Now I'm trying to air the place out just a little.

All I can really do is apologize & ever onward. 



Here is everything I have from one of my favorite post-punk groups. 

There are kinda two Glaxos. One with & one without Rob Chapman. 

It's mostly here for you. I have posted their Christine Keeler 7" elsewhere.

Glaxo Babies - This is Your Life 12" 45, Heartbeat Records - 12 PULSE 3, 1979.
all decryption codes in comments

Side One -
This is Your Life
Stay Awake

Side Two -
Because of You
Who Killed Bruce Lee?
Glaxo Babies - Nine Months to the Disco, Heartbeat Records HB2, 1980.

Side One -
Maximum Sexual Joy
This is Your Vendetta
Seven Days
Electric Church
Nine Days to the Disco

Side Two -
Promised Land
The Tea Master & the Assassin
Free Dem Cells
Dinosaur Disco meets the Swampsstomp
Shake (the Foundations)
Glaxo Babies - Put Me on the Guest List, Heartbeat Records HB3, 1980.

Side One -
Avoid the Issue
Because of You
This is Your Life
Police State
Who Killed Bruce Lee? (version)

Side Two-
Stay Awake
She Went to Pieces
Puppet Patrol

Intelligence Side -
Limited Entertainment
If Someone Side -
There’ll Be No Room for You in the Shelter
Permission to Be Wrong
Cherry Red cdmred322, 2007.

This Way is Out
Rainy Taxi
Tracy’s Face
Under te Sun
Buddy Said (Wildstyle Will Freeze You)
Hey Priestess
Man from Porlock
I Know a Joke
Metal Moon
That’s the Time Mr. Wolf
Mercy Corps
Christine Keeler (Between a Rock & a Hard Place mix)
Shady World
What Goes on in Your Life

I was going to include Dreams Interrupted (The Bewilderment Years 1978-1980)  but all of the tracks are re-released tunes on the previous Glaxo I've already posted, except for "It's Irrational" from the Avon Calling (The Bristol Compilation) & "Time Out: Lost Causes", "Tell Me", & "Punkjazz"  which were previously unreleased.

I've posted these bonus tracks in a separate file here.


01 April 2022

It's Been Real

Here's one final NØ Comp. before we part.
Various - The Last Call, NØ Comp., April 1, 2022.

Something on My Mind - Primitons
Mission Impossible - Lizzy Mercier Descloux
Had It - Mosaico
Pulled to Bits - Mars Volta
Another Bad Day - Beat Ride
Help - Yargo
I Want My Minutes Back - Snapped Ankles
Just Get High - The Desert
The Last Dance - St. Paul & the Broken Bones
Everything is Coming to the End - London Underground
It's Not Over Yet - Klaxons
Over My Head - Moloko
Final Service - Ritual Howls
Something for Nothing - 1000 Mexicans
Or So it Seems - Duet Emmo
What's Wrong with Me? - Skye Edwards
Be About the Future - Oneness of Juju
The Sound of Silence - Chromatics
The End - Dr. Echo

It's been lotsa fun,