20 June 2009

Re-ups & fixed links

Finally getting around to re-uploading & fixing old link problems that have brought to my attention. Sorry if I didn't get to it in a timely manner, as I was having computer meltdown that I just recently fixed. Thanks to everyone who takes the time to let me know about these problems. I spend a good bit of time posting musick here & it is great when visitors take the time to let me know about problems.

to That Guy's a JERK...the Exploited Jesus is Dead ep links are repaired.

to Peter...I will get the Nasal Sex album from my other hard-drive & try to repost it tomorrow. I will leave word here. UPDATE: Sorry it took a few days longer than I expected. I searched everywhere for the mp3 rip of the Nasal Sex album but no luck...for me that is. For you, good luck. Some time after the original post I started using SoundForge instead of Audacity & I got a newer USB turntable, so the sound should be improved. Enjoy.

to almudeno69...I am definitely interested in some more Honeymoon Killers. i will e-mail you & see what we can work out.

to zanate...I will find the Legendary Pink Dots you asked about & post it ASAP. check back, plus I'll let you know. UPDATE: See comments.

Now if all you whiny punks will just shut the fuck up,
I'll get on with my own bi'nez!
(just kidding, please let me know of any broken links that you are interested in hearing)

Thanks again,

18 June 2009


UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 09/14/2013. Enjoy, NØ.

My favorite production by the great character actress Carla Bozulich is Butch, where she reprises her pseudo country-punk heroine Geraldine Fibbers. This outing, however, finds her paired with new leading man Nels Cline, known for his roles in The Crew of the Flying Saucer & The Black Gang, both co-starring Mike "Minuteman" Watt. Recently Nels has been appearing in the popular series, Wilco. Geraldine has truly hit her stride in Butch. From the very opening scene, "California Tuffy", we are hooked. Then "Toybox" kicks it up & it's a sweet ride to the finish. Enjoy this classic.

The Geraldine Fibbers - Butch, Virgin Records America Inc., 1997.
decryption code in comments

Tracklist -

California Tuffy
I Killed the Cuckoo
Trashman in Furs
Swim Back to Me
Seven or in 10
Folks Like Me
Pet Angel
Arrow to My Drunken Eye
You Doo Right
The Dwarf Song
(ripped at 320Kbps)


17 June 2009

Invisible Chains

UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 10/19/2013. Enjoy, NØ.

Shortly after her first role in Gary Kail's Zurich 1916, Carla Bozulich, at that time working under the stage name Carla Noelle, was cast in a supporting role in Hollywood producer/guitarist Joseph "Eightball" Halzman's Invisible Chains for New Alliance. Catch this rare & hard to find performance here...

Invisible Chains - Invisible Chains, New Alliance Records NAR 021, 1986.
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This Side -

Sal Mineo Youth Growing Up
Cream of the Prop
Old Speak / New Teeth
Rasta House of Pasta
Monogomy Monogomy (sic)

Other Side -

Ten Thousand Songs for Horny Dancers
Sal Mineo Rub-a-dub
Rubber Mr. lonely
An End to Neglected Toenails
(ripped from immaculate vinyl at 320Kbps)


UPDATE: Anonymous commented that this was on drop.io & needed re-uploaded. Here it is re-ripped on my new turntable with new needle....should be excellent. Enjoy

Updated again.

Updated again again.

Ethyl Meatplow

 UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 08/12/2013. Enjoy, NØ

I always loved Fred & Ethyl Meatplow, those wacky neighbors on the I Luv Loopy show. I always had the hots for Ethyl.

Ethyl was played by the great character actress Carla Bozulich. She is also know for her portrayals of Geraldine Fibbers, the pseudo-country wench; Scarnella the evil witch; & most recently the angelic Evangelista.

My favorite episode of the I Luv Loopy show featured Ethyl as a pseudo-industrial alternative dance-rock singer in a band with Biff Barefoot & Wee Wee...an episode entitled Happy Days Sweetheart. John 'Wee Wee' Napier on guitar, Carla 'Ethyl' Bozulich singing, & Harold 'Biff' Barefoot Sanders III on drums, with the help of Eeda Kitto & Sayuri Kawada on violins, Martin Tillmen on viola, Tree on cello, David Brown on alto saxophone, Albert Wing on tenor saxophone, & additional vocal support from Barry Adamson & Daniel Keenan. Here it is...

Ethyl Meatplow - Happy Days Sweetheart, Dali Records 61354-2, 1993.
 decryption code in comments

Tracklist -

Opening Precautionary Instructions
Devil's Johnson
Close To You
Mustard Requiem
Ripened Peach
For My Sleepy Lover
Sad Bear


16 June 2009

Computer Malfunction

Well, I have returned from the Land of the Dead...dead computer, that is. My old piece of shit had been on its last leg for a long while. Finally it was coughing up lung & inhaling its final breath. I had been putting off the evitable but it finally became inevitable. Yet every cloud, as they say, has a silver lining. I had a replacement that I bought used out of the Pennysaver for twenty-five clams.

It was a Pentium 4, 2.8GHz with 480MB RAM & 100GB hard drive.

My old beater was a P-3 with 1.33GHz, 256 Ram, but it had two 80GB hard drives Local C: & Local D: cuz the last time it broke, my motherboard fried & so I installed a new board & 80 drive, but left the other 80 in there.

I also have a 200GB Maxtor external hard drive that was getting kinda crowded with...well, stuff...you know.

Now I'm up & running on the new system, I wiped everything from the old one & re-installed bare-bones XP. Now all the 'stuff' is being stored on my old comp., now re-named Library.

My external has 151 GB free space once more. This new one is smokin' & its got 75.7 GB free. I've got a few more bugs to exterminate, but I should be good to go, so I'm hoping to be posting by tomorrow again.

Just thought I'd post this up to say 'Wassup!'