On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

01 September 2020

Can You See My Smile from Where You Are?

Every Muslimgauze release, all the lost RootBoy Slim, the entire Around the World Project & so, so  unbelievably muchly missed more has been resurrected. I am forever in debt to Wallace C., a follower of this here blog & interweb friend (who, don’t let anyone try to convince you differently, can be as true a friend as your face-to-face, flesh-to-flesh friends though you've never met) volunteered to try & work his Dada Data Recovery magick on my long dead Iomega.

Today I received the results of that magick by UPS.  

This boy's got his shit back!

Weird shit stirring in my brain. The last thing I uploaded to the external HD before it died was David Bowie - Blackstar September 11, 2016 at 21:20.

On a post called Alzheimers, Osteoporosis, & Incontinence I posted up in February 2013. It was a band called Common Ailments of Maturity, hence the post name. About that post, I received a comment in July 2017 from Unknown: "Hello, please can you re-up this one? :-D   Thanks a lot! I've only found the None Whatsover comp and 'Stake' sounds so rad...so curious to listen the whole album." This is the oldest request I have not been able to address until today. The only copy I had was a digital rip of the vinyl on the cursed external.

Extremely High Quality Records EHQ 12001, 1987.
here or at original post elsewhere (see link above)
all decryption codes, as always, in comments

It is now re-uploaded. I  may never know, but, Unknown, if you somehow find that I honored your request...eventually, leave a comment. I love shit like that.

So the first song I wanted to hear was "Jawani Zindabad" by Musilgauze. Here it is to share with you all, along with its sibling songs...

Muslimgauze - A Putrid Oasis, Vinyl-on-Demand VOD 121, 2014.

Gold Kalpakcilar Dome - Part 1/2
A Putrid Oasis    
How Rustem, The Thief, Moves Through Fire    
Memsahib of Gub & Ghee    
Bilechik Mule    
Jawani Zindabad    
Sapere Aude    
Saladin Mercy    
Palestine is Our Izlamic Land - Part 1    
Marseille - Part 2    

Track 1 from "Alms For Iraq". Recorded in 1995, released in 2003.
Track 2 from "Galilee Stone". Recorded in 1994, previously unreleased.
Track 3 from "Sufiq". Recorded in 1997, released in 2000.
Track 4 from "Fakir Sind". Recorded in 1998, released in 1999.
Track 5 from "Hussein Mahmood Jeeb Tehar Gass". Recorded in 1998, released in 1999.
Track 6 from "Remixs Vol. 2". Recorded and released in 1997.
Track 7 from "Farouk Enjineer", recorded and released in 1997.
Track 8 from "Vote Hezbollah", recorded in 1992, released in 1993.
Track 9 from "Abu Nidal". Recording date unknown. Released in 1987.
Track 10 from "Gun Aramaic". Recorded in 1994/1995, released in 1995.
Track 11 from "Mazar-i-Sharif". Recorded in 1997 and released in 1998.
Track 12 from "Arab Quarter", Recorded in 1995/1996, and released in 1996.
Track 13 from "Lahore & Marseille". Recorded in 1997, released in 1998.
Track 14 from "Arabbox". Recorded in 1993, released in 2003.

CD comes with the biography, Muslimgauze: Chasing The Shadow Of Bryn Jones by Ibrahim Khider. Limited edition of 400 copies. I was on the list for Khider's opus long before it ever saw the light of day.

Miss ya, Bryn


  1. I know how you feel. I also am awaiting the resurrection of an external hard drive, with close to 2t of downloaded music. Hope my outcome is as happy as yours. Also, I have a lot of Rootboy and am always interested in what others have. Want to share>

    1. Don't have any really special stuff, I don't think. You can email me at nothinsezsomrthin@mail.com & I'll send you a list of what I have. Mine likewise was nearly 2T. So go to have it restored. Wishing you as good. Hope to hear fromyou.

    2. Smoldering Lunchbox
      A Putrid Oasis

  2. Congratulations! I have been in that situation and it sucks. Thanks for the Muslimgauze. I am perpetually on the lookout for those records.

  3. I too have had this happen to me and remember that sinking and sick feeling only too well. Several times a year, I now do a back up onto two external hard drives, as well as cloud back up throughout the year. I did try leaving a message a couple of times on the 'Shit Storm' post, but didn't seem to work (I also gave you the link to the Mazzy Star boots). If your hard drive does go down again, I did start to scour the web for the specific albums from each country and started to do quite well. I've saved what I did on a Word document so I can keep it going. More than happy to help if you need it as well as sending you more music if required. I have over 710GB of music so far and another 270GB plus in my Downloads folder of stuff to sort, plus other bits too. If anything pops into mind that you're after, I'll try and keep popping in to see if there are any requests...

    EXCELLENT blog you have here - really impressed, and don't know how you managed to source what you have!

  4. I am in the process of backing up my back up. I am putting it on to a brand new 4T MyPassport that I will smply keep in case I should need it. At that time I will repeat. Much cheaper to buy occasional back-up drives than lose everything.

    Thanks for your kind offer of music. I believe I have everything I need to repair most of the bad links that have appeared here over time. if I find out I need anything, I guess I'll just leave a reply here.

    The only thing I know for sure that I am looking for at the moment is actually for a friend of mine, Jonder, over at jonderblog (see links). He is looking for Cosmetic - "Cosmetics" b/w "New Complexion", Rough Trade RT102, 1982 for a project he is doing on Rough Trade singles.

    Thanks again.

  5. Grayitude for sharing these musical jewels. Perhaps could you share the compilation Khan Younis by Muslimgauze (2020) ?

    1. Thanks for the comment. My pleasure to share this gem.
      This is a 2022 remaster, what I have. 320Kbps. Clean.

      Muslimgauze - Khan Younis, Other Voices Records VOX 58 CD, 2022.

      Khan Younis
      Masawi Wife & Child (version)
      Khan Younis (remix)
      Khan Younis (version)
      Lion of Kandahar (excerpt)


  6. I appreciate your gesture. This short compilation is truly chosen with a taste of selecter. I found "Shiva" on a compilation "Extreme X - X" (1991, available via rutracker). I would dream to begin a nighty set with it, it opens a wild space, awakening the heart of the warrior. A dance floor ask as much energy as a battle field. Gratitude for you !

    1. Glad I could honor your request. Didn't remember the name of this one right off hand & thought maybe I would finally be stumped. I used to be a Muslimgauze completist while Bryn was alive. So much has come out since his death & I have failed to keep up on everything. But sure enough, this was a newer release but one I had managed to acquire, Enjoy.

  7. Oops, the right name is "X-X Section" by the australian label extreme.wich has released “Intifaxa” (1990), “United States of Islam” (1991, for me a tribal catabasis), “Zul’m” (1992), Citadel (1994) and a single, “Bhutto” (1991). It's the mature period, he has become a sculptor of experimental sounds. They have been published back in 2024 on LP under the name "Extreme Years 1990-1994". Sorry for the errata

  8. PS ; the album is also on archive.org

