On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

02 October 2021

Been Avoiding the Bills Lately...Just Give Me a Little More Time

Before I continue on with Weird October, It's the first of the month & I've got Bills to p(l)ay. 



On one of my many Bill Nelson jags, this one March 2017 called Opus Illuminatus I shared with you all Chimes & Rings from the 4xCD Demonstrations of Affection, Cocteau Records CD JEAN89, 1989.

A few years on & a few years ago, I received the following comment from Mark1965:
     "Hi there, such a fantastic blog. thanks for the great posts. I'm hoping you may be able to help with a Bill Nelson recording that I am trying to locate, Nudity originally released as part of the Demonstrations of Affection 4 CD. Would you have it at all? The collection as all but disappeared. hoping that you may be able to help. Many thanks & have a great weekend. Best wishes M".

Well, I had sadly lost this hard-to-find treasure in one of my frustrating computer meltdowns.

I replied:
     "Ah, such a sour note. The Demonstrations of Affection lies unlistened to & as yet unlistenable on a external hard-drive that crashed on me about a year ago. More than 4T in music residing in limbo until I win the lottery or some other improbability. I will add this to the growing list of requests that I will gladly accommodate as I can. For now, let me know if you find Nudity or the rest. Thanks."

I have been valiantly trying to get my hands on it since then but to no avail...until yesterday when I dear friend gifted me a pristine rip of the 4x DoA set.

So Mark1965, if you're still out there & still need this (& to everyone else who loves Bill Nelson), here in its entirety is CD2 (JCCD25)...Nudity.

Bill Nelson - Nudity, Cocteau Records JCCD 25, 1989.
all decryption codes in comments

Feels Like Up to Me    
Prize of Years    
Still Waiting    
Lover Boy at Heart    
The Wonder of it All    
Devil in Me    
A Little More Time    
What's it All About?    
Thunder on the Wing    
Shake it Up    
Love to Win    
If Love Were Gold    
I Want You    
Kiss it Off    
Angel like You    
Crying All Night    
Only Love Can Tell

While I'm at it...here's one from 1995. 14 guitar-based instrumentals written, recorded & mixed in 14 days. All instruments played by Bill Nelson. 


Roses & Rocketships   
Spinning Planet   
Thousand Fountain Island   
Piano 45   
Pink Buddha Blues   
Kid with Cowboy Tie   
Royal Ghosts   
Her Presence in Flowers   
Big Noise in Twangtown   
Tiny Little Thing   
Wild Blue Cycle   
Every Moment Infinite   
Friends from Heaven   
Eternal for Emiko



  1. Nudity

  2. Thanks big time! Hey you know I lost files on a drive until I bought a software (on home computer and at work now) that will rescue lost files on a computer! It worked for me.

  3. Replies
    1. This is from the R-Studio FAQ:

      Question - My HDD is not recognized by BIOS. Can R-Studio help?

      Answer - Unfortunately, no. R-Studio is a software solution and all storage devices must be recognized by BIOS to access the data.

      Thanks for the hint, though.

  4. Good afternoon, well what a bloody turn up for the books, after all this time, and most welcome it is too! You can't beat a bit of nudity in your life I say! Thanks so much for this Bill Nelson gem. One of the final recordings by the man I don't own. Have most of his CD's in the collection (much to the wife's disapproval, but missed the Demonstrations of Affection box set at the time of release. Old Bill would be proper fucked off to know his music is available like this for FREE. Nelson is probably the most vehement, anti- illegal downloading artist/musician around, perhaps only bested by the late and great Richard H kirk who did everything in his power to keep his recordings away from torrent sites, even to the point of letting his APPLE sales page fall into disuse in the last two years. Thankfully another artist who I've managed to collect all their back catalogue. So very grateful to you for Nudity. Cheers M

  5. Replies
    1. Trying to keep up with the Bills (Nelson, Laswell, & Burroughs) is something I forget from time to time but something always (luckily) reminds me that it's Bill time again.
