These days I find myself bouncing back & forth between what I had previously planned before the world turned to complete shit & the desire to find some soothing solace in the sound of musick.
Note: Don't know if I ever explain why I oft times spell music M.U.S.I.C.K. It's basically the same mindset as magic vs. Magick. Magic is simple stage magic, basic trickery, while Magick is real magick, the power of the human mind to create change through WILL. The same goes for music vs. Musick. Music is just stage music, basic trickery, while Musick is real musick, the power of the human spirit to create change through SOUND.
I love you all so much. The idea that I can share musick that changes me with all of you & in some small way pass on that change to each of you to change yourselves in just the way you will the musick to do its power is what keeps me going. It's what keeps me going, it is my purpose, to plant the trees of change on seedling at a time.
I love you all so much. I send this out to you. I'm not going soft, I just have the need to soothe, to gently calm. There may be a typhoon a'comin', hope you all find ways to weather the storm.
Starting Over (Bad Habits)
White Liars
CPR/Claws Pt 2
Ghost Train
Body of Love
Happy People
Old Haunts, New Cities
Mouth of the Cave
Belly of the Cavern
The Sickness Unto Death
Hunger & Thirst