Seems like I’m always listening to Veil of Thorns’ Necrofuturist. All VOT output is fantastic, but Necro just touches that special inner place.
VOT is the musickal brainchild of P. Emerson Williams, originally from the Boston, Mass. area & now residing in sunny Gotha, Fla. with an ever revolving cast of players, noisemakers, & voices.
I decided to dole out to the uninitiated the very first VOT recording. This has been released in a drastically different form in the not too distant past, but here is the original 1991 debut 4-track demo from Veil of Thorns, recorded on primitive equipment in a basement rehearsal complex in Boston. Instrumental tracks were recorded all at once on two tracks using two ribbon mikes & a direct line for Ruddy Bitch’s drums, leaving the other two tracks for vocals & a couple additional guitars. The sound of other bands sharing the rehearsal space can be heard at quiet moments. Originally on cassette.
The lineup here is: P. Emerson Williams - guitar & vocals; Jarrett Laitinen - guitar; Catherine Chenoweth - bass; & Ruddy Bitch - drums.
Tracks -
Tear the Cities Down
Sanctify (Drowning)
No Claim
Dreamshadow (Falling)
Re-Creating Space-Time
Crimson Smile