I spent my childhood in Washington, D.C. AC. V.C., devouring war racist reality, CIAss-ass in nation primer, Winter of Discontent with some ashes in the air.
Home is where the homeless hang, where homeless lessons lessen more or morons hang their heads.
Where might I be when from this Manchild I have groan?
Wanderlust...the now motion devotion, devoted to, yet devoid of, emotion avoiding the void.
The evasion of pressing urges, surges, invasion dirges, Press Club purges, burning bridges spanning occasions, flaming mergers of motion & fog. The putting off of solution's absolution 'til a little while later, 'til we've unblocked the clog.
I woke up last night screaming, dreaming, drowning in a cold sweat. Cities burning, world stopped turning, destruction is the safest bet. Neighbors just kidnapped a baby, cockroaches just ate my dog. Hooker beaten, Politico's cheatin', rat has become...the new god.
p.s. - When I died, I crept out of my body onto this note crumpled in my pocket. This note is a mirror walking down a strange street, empty-handed.
Zanzibar's Twist - Never Mind The Bollocks tape,
Limbabwe Records C07, 1982.
decryption code in comments
Limbabwe Records C07, 1982.
decryption code in comments
Side A -
Play de Fool parts 1 & 2
Een Schnell Nummer
Ode aan Jan Jacobs
I (got You) Feel Good
Dancing Barefoot in de Park
Side B -
Pinkant Gevrij in de Alpenwei
Les Bouc de Thorn
Die Ami Band
Sonja’s Lied
Eat Your Dreadlocks
Schleyers Schlafen
‘s Bakkebaarden
Oriental Uh!

Hi !
ReplyDeleteThanks for your nice comments !
great blog there too ! ....
to Yyesod9 & Oro,
ReplyDeleteThanks for the interest in my meager site.
Thanks for your comments & for steering me your direction.
I have linked both your blogs.
Yyesod9 - NØ
Oro - Baron Sam'di
These are things close to my heart & therefore
very synchronistic.
Although my French is miminal at best, musick is universal.
Thanks again.
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