On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

06 February 2021

Lovers Rock Wackies Style


Black History Month



As the beloved Morgan Freeman sez: "I don't want a Black History month. Black History is American History."   But the greatest thing about Black History Month is that it is a time when the culture & contributions of African Americans take center stage. These contributions are highlighted in a variety of cultural institutions including theaters, schools, libraries, & museums. Nowhere are the contributions of African Americans more greatly showcased for me than through the voices of Black Musick.

 I have decided to concentrate my efforts this month on some of their music on this forum. Hope you enjoy.

One Draw


Since DUB is my lifeblood & Lloyd Barnes' studio at 4371 White Plains Road, Bronx, NY was probably the very first DUB studio in the USofA, good place to start this thing. 


I’ve covered a great deal of Wackies output here or here or here in the past.



The key to Barnes' Bullwackies sound was his unique use of relatively humble tools: a moog synthesizer; a DI box for that distinctive quaking bass: & a big Ampex machine for his eight track tape recorder (this machine now finds a home in the Les Paul Museum). Slight but significant innovations were also made with a special booth constructed for the recording of the drums which Lloyd covered in tailored padding & aluminum foil. Somehow, the process created a sound that still transcends.


I'm gonna start at the beginning, with the first album, Wackies #1...

all decryption codes in comments

Side A -
Addis Ababa Dub
Rock Ago Rock
Undying Dub
Freedom Dub
Gem Rock Dub

Side B -
Wackies Rock Tune
Mozambique Trial
Always Dubbing
Betrayers Call
This Exit

Roots Underground - Tribesman Assault, Wackies Senta-L-0038, 1977.

Side A -
High Times
Makka Root
Tribal Rock
Dread Feeling
Wrong Cord

Side B -
Shotgun Skank
Disco Reggae Rocker
Black Brigade
Tribesman Assualt
Open the Gates (K.C. White & the Love Joys)

Side A -
There You Are
Sing & Shout
Jah Don't Like That
Hey Lady
Joy, Joy

Side B -
I Gave You Love
Dancing in the Rain
Mash Down Babylon
Back to Africa
All Things

Most of the rest of these are with non-JA, US-based artists 

Joe Morgan & Reckless Breed - Basement Session 7", Bullwackies Records Senta-0033, 1976.
Side A -
Basement Session

Side B -
Basement Scrub

Joe Axumite - No Equal Rights in Babylon, City Line Records SENTA-2004, 1978.

Side A -
No Equal Rights in Babylon - Joe Axumite

Side B -
No Equal Rights in Babylon (version) - Bullwackies All Stars

Itopia - Creation, Wackies-272A, 1981.

Side A -

Side B -
Creation Dubwise version

Itopia - Message from Jah, Wackies-273, 1981.

Side A -
Message from Jah

Side B -
Message from Jah Dubwise version

Junior Delehaye - Showcase, Wackies W-1382, 1982.

Side A -
(I Love You) For All Seasons
All I Need is Jah

Side B -
Travelling Man
Sitting in the Park
Your All I Need (Movie Show)

Love Joys - Lovers Rock Reggae Style, Wackies W-2383, 1983.

Side A -
One Draw
Long Lost Lover

Side B -
Let Me Rock You Now
Chances Are
All I Can Say

Jah Batta - Argument, Wackies W-2395, 1983.

Side A -
No Meat
Ten to Seven
I Don't Want to Wait
Mi Black

Side B -
Youthman School
Hold on 'Pon the Woman
Informa (Watch It)
Youthman Time
Out a Reach

Side A -
Brass Pipes
Rockfort Rock
Drum Song
Song Maker

Side B -
Pie Song
African Rootie
Music Man Rock
Version Pipe

& a few scattered left-overs...

Mango Walk (Dubwise version) - Chosen Brothers
Working Hard for the Rent Man - Junior Delahaye
Roots Rock Special (extended version) - Wackies
Gimme Back (Part 2) - Love Joys w/ Wackies Rhythm Force
Movie Show Dubwise - Bullwackies All Stars
Mystic Revellation - Junior Delahaye
March Down Babylon version - The Chosen Brothers

Let's end with Bullwackies All Stars one more time...scratching guitar & scorching street stride bass rhythm & horn, the kind which usually accompanies the deadpan cool of some mustachioed, ball-busting, honkey-slapping Blaxploitation vigilante. A surprisingly balanced mix of DUB & funk released on Aires, one of Wackies many sister imprints.

Side A -
Skin Tight Part 1

Side B -
Skin Tight Part 2



  1. some wackie tunes you got there!
    much appreciated!

    bb from germany

    1. African Roots Act 1
      Tribesman Assault
      Sing & Shout
      Basement Session 7“
      No Equal Rights in Babylon 7“
      Creation 7“
      Message from Jah 7“
      Lovers Rock Reggae Style
      The Dub Generals
      Wackies Showcase: Choice Cuts
      Skin Tight 7“

  2. Epic post thanks, much appreciated.

  3. Thanks for these! I've been looking for three of the songs in your Choice Cuts comp, and you wrapped em all up. Also, not sure if you knew, but the last record "Skin Tight" is a cover of an Ohio Players song - very different from the original. (I feel about Dayton funk bands maybe how you feel about Wackies records.)

  4. Mecca lecca hi, mecca hiney ho...Jambi sees all & grants your three wishes.

    Thanks for the comment. I loves me my Ohio funk as well, so when Black History Month moves to Funk, I will be sure to do my best there.

  5. Good afternoon friend for pearls you publish on blogspot, pity that not everyone has the good will to share good music like REGGAE, I was wondering if you can help me with 2 music in Reggae Dancehall if you know the names of the artists

  6. Hey friend Good night very good postings only pearls of Reggae Dub.

  7. Replies
    1. All the codes are in the long list in comment three. cut & paste the ones you need.
