UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 08/10/2013. Enjoy, NØ
This goes out to Salmagundi Syncopation. She posted some Buk on her blog & I’m returning the flavor.
This here masterpiece was recorded in 1966.
It was finally released by Steve Richmond’s Earth Books, 137 Holister Avenue, Santa Monica, CA. in 1977.
The great photos on the front & back covers & inside left & right gatefold are by Lawrence Robbin.
Bukowski is in fine form: drinking; smoking; & wise-cracking throughout the 90 Minutes in Hell.
According to legend, there were supposedly only 500 copies printed. I consider myself lucky to be one of those Fortunate 500.
Hank begins Side 4:
"Well, what’re you gonna do? All right, if you can’t waste tape, you can’t waste anything. If you can’t waste anything, you might as well quit. So, the next move is mine, right? & I’m too loaded to even be decent. All right, let’s try some more just for laughs. (Ho Ho Ho)."
He then follows up with the scathingly brilliant "A Report Upon the Consumption of Myself". Classic Bukowski, talking tough.

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Side 1 -
Buffalo Bill
A Little Atomic Bomb
The Hairy Hairy Fist
An Action Afternoon
No Charge
Side 2 -
Love is a Piece of Paper Torn to Bits
Song for Sadists Without a Place to Sit Down
Genius of the Crowd
Their Finest Art
May Make Paris Yet (1st stanza)
Side 3 -
May Make Paris Yet (cont.)
Men And The Sun
The Japanese Wife / Bukowski Still At It
True Story
Side 4 -
A Report Upon the Consumption of Myself
Thank you (...and Salmagundi Syncopation!) for spreading the Bukowski around this weekend.
Glad to see my photos of Bukowski are being seen. I still have a copy of the album. Thought it was totally forgotten so it's fun to see this post.The pictures were taken in 1976 when Ben Pleasants (Bukowski's friend) and I spent the afternoon visiting, talking, and, of course, drinking.
ReplyDeleteI believe a publication called Malibu Magazine will be coming out soon with an article about Bukowski by Ben along with a few photos I took that afternoon long ago. As Bukowski wrote, "The Days Run Away Like Wild Horses Over the Hills."
to Lawrence,
ReplyDeleteEverything Bukowski is forever cherished by some of us reprobates.
I always loved your photos on that album. They capture a wonderful feeling of the essence of Hank. Thank you for taking them & thank you for sharing them.
Wow. Am looking forward to hearing this. Good on ya, NØ and thanks for the props.
ReplyDeleteNØ - thanks again for the interest............
Great to see people posting this type of music...getting tired of the Bieber BS...thanks for sharing this one...kudos!...
ReplyDeleteWell. This last post of yours is the first I have alighted on since I managed to get back online. It took three weeks from September to get our parochial equivalent of Ma Bell to get an engineer out of bed to even connect our phone. Another week or so to get the creases in our line close to ironed out.
ReplyDeleteThe decorative order in our new home has not progressed much beyond the bedrooms, and the walls either side of my makeshift station are gouged but denuded of all but the most reistant traces of paper. It looked like somebody had been murdered in here before I got started. It looks now like somebody got murdered and rolled out in a bloodstained carpet.
It has been over a month since we moved in here and I still feel unsettled. Like part of me got left behind in the old place.
Who would've thunk it, eh ?
Thanks fer the Buk, NØ. A Song for Sadists Without a Place to Sit Down. Disorganized bastards like the worst of us.
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