On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

21 January 2025

Release or Unrelease(d)...


Trying to clean up around here after the chaos of Crazemas & the insanity of un nuevo año. Realized I had a bunch o' back-up gifts & left-over refreshments. Need to get them outta here.

Gifted Frenz of NSS Aleck some Cop Shoot Cop in December. Had Release & some Peel Sessions & un released goodies left over. Making room in that crowded corner.

On this first one, somehow Interscope conned Cop Shoot Cop into adding a guitarist to a notoriously two bass - no guitar band. It sounds OK but just isn't the CSC I've come to expect. More heavily Foetus/Thirlwell influenced than usual, as well ("Slackjaw" is a riff on "Sick Man" for sure). At least Tod has the balls to start the release off with "Interference". 


Cop Shoot Cop - Release, Interscope Records 92424-2, 1994.
decryption codes in comments

It Only Hurts When I Breathe    
Last Legs    
Two at a Time    
Any Day Now    
Swimming in Circles    
Turning Inside Out    
Ambulance Song    
The Divorce    

The other left-over is a random batch. A March 24, 1991 Peel Sessions set & some previously unreleased tracks from: Live, Vienna; the final recording sessions; & the movie Johnny Mnemonic

Coldest Day of the Year
Drop the Bombs
Feel Good
If Tomorrow Never Comes - Peel Sessions

Divorce (unreleased - Live, Vienna)

Get Gone
Transmitter (unreleased - the final recording sessions)

Baby Broke Down (unreleased - Johnny Mnemonic)



  1. Release
    Peel Sessions & Unreleased

  2. Loving the Cop Shoot Cop, lots of cool memories (some Babyland next?). I don't think I've seen the Suck City EP posted - lead track on Ask Questions Later but three more which are metal-bashing good times. https://mega.nz/file/0hlz2TQZ#VDZ_2xAu9iGywMGqBLCQF8eW4fLsC6B1jCCy4Yb6nOo

  3. Richie Muster1/22/25, 9:18 AM

    Thanks very muchly for the Peel & Unreleased, NØ. I only had a very muffled version of the Peel session so i'm hoping this is an improvement on that. Said session was my introduction to Cop Shoot Cop, way back, and it blew me away. You mention Foetus/Thirlwell; you haven't by any chance anything lurking down the back of your sofa, have you? I have bits and pieces, but not much.

  4. Love this band (and Firewater too)! Was lucky enough to see them in a dive bar circa '93. I really dug (and still do) Release when it came out and "It Only Hurts When I Breathe" and "Any Day Now" have stuck with me more than most stuff from back then. I didn't have the Peel Sessions so thank you for filling another hole.

  5. Hot diggity! I neeeeeeded them Peel sessions!!! Woohoo! Thanks a buncha!
