On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

14 January 2025

To Infinity & Beyond


December I shared some Deadbeat music. That got me delving deeper into his back catalogue. I found this gem with him teamed up with Paul St Hilaire (Tikiman), whose music I alway enjoy.

This is an excellent, diverse reggae & dancehall rooted Dub House centered album from two modern era proponents of the JA sound: Monteith, a disciple of the doctrine handed down from the Blue Mount of Lord Scratch & King Tubby; & St. Hilaire, an undisputed voice of a latter-day generation of reggae vocal stylists.

The two men developed a deep abiding friendship after meeting in Montreal at the premier Micro Mutek event more than a decade earlier. Since meeting, they have occasionally collaborated at performances from Berlin to Tokyo to great acclaim. This is their first album-length venture, a tour de force of Dub music of the highest order. Nearly a year in the making, the template of Deadbeat's Infinity Dub series gets a shot of dreader-than-dread Kingston, JA style. St. Hilaire is at his most militant...poetic, fierce, & flowing. 


Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire - The Infinity Dub Sessions, BLKRTZ BLKRTZ008, 2014.
decryption codes in comments

Hold on Strong    
What the Heck Them Expect    
Working Everyday    
Rock of Creation    
Little Darling    
Under Cover    
Peace & Love

Here's a more recent 2x12" blissed-out extravaganza from the pair... 
Another Moon AMOON002, 2020.

Side A -
War Games
Side B -
Check What Time It Is    
Side C -        
Mind Control    
Side D -       
Yesterday's Dreams



  1. Infinity Dub Sessions
    Four Quarters of Love & Modern Lash

  2. hey, do you still have Sofa's Choice: Sounds from Downtown? i found an old mediafire link on this blog but it seems to be dead. i'm trying to track down some of the music on that CD!

    1. Sorry it took a minute. I didn't seem to have the .zip file any longer. I re-ripped the CD (even better fidelity this time). I re-upped it at SoFA's Choice post. You can grab it there now. Thanks for the comment & for letting me know the link was dead.

    2. thank you so much, this really means a lot!

    3. You're most welsome. Enjoy.
