On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

07 October 2024

Taking Care

Before I take care (o b) I have a couple things to mention.

First, need to apologize to anyone whose re-upload request I have shirked or anyone to whose comments I have been vague in replying. 


About ten days ago some nefarious cold/flu mutation invaded Casa Nada del Este. First Black Dahlia fell under its grip, then Lao Elanya. Being the stubborn bull-headed Taurus that I am. I refused to give in & so for about five days I walked the quavering tightrope between sick & well. Finally I took a KO punch to the head & tumbled hard. I am just now coming out of the fog. 


It is such a weird sickness that we all took COVID tests just to see, but they all registered negative (the only good thing about this whole disease). It's been like the worst imaginable cold with heavy doses of influenza weirdness, chills & aches (but no fever).

So just wanted to say sorry for any vaguery. Should be back to form soon.

Second, for anyone interested in the machinations of the whole Interweb/Blogger bullshit that I have to endure, you might want to go back to Sound Systember. You might notice that Sound Systember 24 is no longer to be found. It suffered the rage of a Blogger take-down...a simple share of Roots Garden Sound System/Manasseh that was deemed by Blogger Cummunity Guidelines to be SPAM.



The Spam section of the guidlines seems plenty succinct:
     SPAM - Do not spam. This may include unwanted promotional or commercial content, unwanted content that is created by an automated program, unwanted repetitive content, nonsensical content, or anything that appears to be a mass solicitation.

Well it was none of those (no more nonsensical than usual), but nothing I can do but comply. I added an addendum on Sound Systember 25 to replace some of the missing material & explain what's up. But enough...

On with the show... 


Prompted by the previous Burial conversation, I shared several releases from Leyland James Kirby using the moniker The Caretaker. Got a lot of favorable response, so here are some more. The first two are from the Stranger, another nom de musique of Kirby's. 


The Stranger - The Stranger, Phthalo Records PHTHALO07, 1997.
all decryption codes in comments

The Wind is Blowing Cold Across the Moor
Over the Moor, I'm on the Moor
The Mists are Rising
Let Me be Void Still
Some People Need the Heroes
Like a Happy Child Lost in a Sudden Dream
I'll be Seeing You
The Stranger - Bleaklow, V/Vm Test Records VVMTCD26, 2008.

Something to Do with Death
Solemn Dedication
Indefinite Ridge
Inverted Burial
Bob Greaves
A Melody Dreags Me Back
Ominous Sunset

Then one under the name his birth name Leyland Kirby.
History Always Favours the Winners HAFTW010, 

The Arrow of Time
This is the Story of Paradise Lost
To Reject the World
No Longer Distance than Death
They are All Dead, There are no Skip at All
My Dream Contained a Star

& one by the Caretaker personae...
History Always Favours the Winners HAFTW-DL-010, 

Loss of Want Back There
I Might Be Vanishing
Empty Beyond Beyond Beyond
Losing Battle of Loss
Advanced Plaque Camaraderie
All Eyes Bewildered
Glimpses of Life Denial
Equinox Eyes Will Stop
Losing Loss of Battle
Plaque Advanced Despair
Benjamin Beyond Bliss
Drifting Sublime Hope
Minimal All You Are
Internal Unravel
Dusk Memory Fraction
Entanglement Synapse Ache
And Bliss Everywhere Bliss


1 comment:

  1. The Stranger
    Eager to Tear Apart the Stars
    Everywhere, an Empty Bliss
