This is thee premier FUNK!
Parliament’s second outing, their first with Casablanca, the return of Bootsy to the Mothership (after two years along with the Horny Horns over at Godfather JB’s place). Everything is right with this slab. The critically acclaimed title cut, the funkier reworking of (I Wanna) "Testify", the poignantly hip "Presence of a Brain". & just as "Maggot Brain" is my número uno Funkadelic song, this album contains my favorite Parliament song, "All Your Goodies are Gone". That song alone propels P-Funk well beyond the adulations laid on less worthy bands like the Beatles or the Rolling Stones. Clinton & frenz are in a class of their own. The title of the album tells it all.

Casablanca Records NBLP 7002, Dec 1974.
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Side 1 -
Up For The Down Stroke
The Goose
I Can Move You (If You Let Me)
Side 2 -
I Just Got Back
All Your Goodies Are Gone
Whatever Makes Baby Feel Good
Presence Of A Brain
Oof. It turns out that alls I had was Funkadelic... Until now!
ReplyDeleteGracias, amigo... you are Ø if not awesome!
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