On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

27 December 2024

A Belated Crazemas gift for the Jokonky Krew


One final taste of Bukowski in Dub for 2024. 

Jonder was asking for more, least I could do...one of my all time favorites. 




  1. thank you, and a merry Crazemas to you as well

  2. Thank you, Nathan! Maybe you will find something here to enjoy:



    1. Thanks for the comment & the links. Familiar with blackmarketdub, shared them before here. SPB are new to me. I listen to some stuff, really liked what I heard. The Dub Encounter EPs seem a totally heavyweight series. I'm listening to the linked Erik Satie in Dub right now.

  3. Replies
    1. These Bukowski in Dub tracks have been an intermittent leakage around here for a spot o' tyme. Jonder can hip you to their jaded past if'n you don't already know, an intelligent chap what ye be.

      Chinaski sure knew how to type...

    2. Looking forward to the sequel, Dukowski In Dub.
