On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

12 February 2025

And Natiruts...


For this meeting, Natiruts, a reggae/Dub band from Brasillia, Brazil showed up at the Ariwa Sounds with some of their favorite Raçaman tracks with the idea of hearing what the collab between the two might produce.

Natiruts - Raçaman vs Mad Professor, Ariwa, 2010.
decryption code in comments

Raçaman Dub
Vento, Sol Dub
Fogueira De Desilusões Dub
1996 Dub 


1 comment:

  1. Vs. Mad Professor
