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Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

09 February 2025

And Mazaruni!...

Rupununi...Mazaruni...Jungleruni...check out these tunis!

Another Mad Professors excursions into jungle. This one has him teaming up with William the Conqueror on the Dub mixes & King O'di Jungle & Juggler doing the jungle mixes with Macka B, Eddie Brown, Mad Prof, Nolan Irie, Kofi, & John McLean handling vocal duties.

This release has plenty of really stony jungle tracks with strong Dub flavors...bassy, lo fi, with odd filters on the drums & samplings of nature/wild animal sounds throughout. 
Mazaruni! - The Jungle Dub Experience, Ariwa ARICD109, 1995.
decryption code in comments

Dub in a di Jungle
Doppler in de Jungle
Jungle Fever Getting Stronger
Original Tarzan
Lost Tribe
Cry of the Wolf
Natural Progression
Concrete Jungle
True King of the Jungle
Bungle in the Jungle



  1. The Jungle Dub Experience

  2. Thanks NØ! Another unknown treat to enjoy!
