On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

01 February 2025

And Lee Scratch Perry...

And... February

Every February I try to have a theme that I carry through the entire month. It began with Black History Month (fuck Trump!!!) & has included Fems of February, Trip-hop February, Synth-pop February, well you get the idea.

This month I am featuring music from an artist that I hold in the highest esteem. Founder & head of Ariwa Studios, producer Neil Joseph Stephen Fraser, the one & only Mad Professor is that man. I have shared his music here more than any other artist (except for the stealth Muslimgauze links) & with the addition of this month, that record will go unchallenged.

Mad Professor has worked with fellow artist around the world, a truly eclectic bunch of collabs. So this month each day will be Mad Professor & somebody new...

Starting off the month is the one artist Mad Professor has collaborated with the most often, the two having released more than a dozen albums & a bunch of singles together. This is their first joint. Two mad men in Dub.
Lee Perry - Meets the Mad Professor in Dub Chapter One, Angella Records ANG008, 1987.
decryption code in comments

Side 1 -
Two Mad Man in Dub
World Peace
Blood of the Dragon
Space Dub
Power Dub

Side 2 -
Noah's Ark
The Other Side of Midnight
Mark of the Beast
Hold Yu Corner

Here we go,


  1. Dub Chapter One

  2. Happy Mad Professoruary! Thanks NØ! I'll crank this right now. Just what the Professor ordered on this rainy rainy day.

    1. That's too big of a mouthful even for me. I'm sticking with AND???. Two mad men in Dub to while away the rainy day. Thanks, brother.

  3. Thanks for this

  4. Saw Scratch a few years back in a small venue with Mad Prof at the controls. Around 40°C and no airco, after about 15 minutes Mad Prof somewhat fainted or so (the echos disappeared from the sound) , and Scratch? Well, he did his thing as usual, respect. Can't believe I don't have this one, so thanks a lot as always! Ja-Mike

    1. That's one thing about Scratch...throughout it all he kept on keeping on with it. Gotta praise his persistent greatness & great persistence. That's a cryptic quote "the echos disappeared from the sound".
