On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

03 February 2025

And Bob Andy...


Bob Andy was one of the founding members of The Paragons, along with Tyrone Evans & Howard Barrett, with John Holt later joining. Andy left after Holt joined. He worked for Studio One delivering records & songwriting before embarking on a solo career.

In the early 90s he relocated to London, where he worked as a producer & spent long dark nights recording with Mad Professor.

During one of those late dark Voodoo Dub nights, it was revealed to the Mad Professor's third eye that Bob Andys Song Book was intended by the most high, H.I.M. as a Dub book. Thus it was translated & preserved for eternity. 


Bob Andy - Bob Andy's Dub Book as Revealed to Mad Professor, I-Anka AV007CD. 1989.
decryption code in comments

Mind Jungle Dub    
You Know it Dub    
Tribal War Dub    
Devastation Dub    
Chain Free Dub    
Brothers Faith Dub    
Share it Out Dub    
Rasta Victory Dub    
Dubbing Home

Enjoy it while we can,


  1. Dub Book as Revealed to Mad Professor

  2. Thank you for this NØ.
    'Dubbing Home' is always on any Lover's/Dub playlist I create but I've only ever had a low 192kbs copy. It's always perfect to end to any set.
    Also many thanks for the 'Lee Perry Meets the Mad Professor' which is crazy good.
    Give Praise to Jah.
    And in the words of another Andy, (Horace) "Wicked Babylon Must Go Down".

  3. Blessings NØ! Thanks for the musikal education and the musik! Much appreciated, much needed during these days.
