On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

09 November 2008

Bill Nelson Deluxe

UPDATE: This post was re-uploaded 08/24/2013. Enjoy, NØ.

"Adventures in a Yorkshire Landscape", "Axe Victim", "No Trains to Heaven"...whether in Be Bop Deluxe, Red Noise, or solo performances, I have always considered Bill Nelson a consummate musickian, who creates aural landscapes of unbelievable beauty, undeniable life, & often unappreciated depth. Here is some of his musick for your listening pleasure:

Bill Nelson - Sounding the Ritual Echo (Atmospheres for Dreaming),
Enigma Records 7 73382-4, 1989.
all decryption codes for this post are in comments

"Sounding the Ritual Echo was recorded in the privacy of my own home on broken or faulty tape machines & speakers, each track possessing its own technological deformity. For this I offer no apology as the music owes its existence to a very personal & selfish obsession. As a direct result, some pieces will require a little patience.

This album, originally released in a limited edition in 1981 as a bonus album for Quit Dreaming & Get on the Beam , was the first in a series of purely instrumental albums issued by Cocteau Records from the archives of the Echo Observatory." - Bill Nelson

Side 1 -

The Ritual Echo
Near East
Emak Bakia
My Intricate Image
Endless Orchids
The Heat in the Room

Side 2 -

Another Willingly Opened Window
Vanishing Parades
Glass Fish
Cubical Domes
Ashes of Roses
The Shadow Garden

Bill Nelson - The Summer Of God's Piano,
Enigma Records 7 73376-2, 1989.

Written, composed, & played by Bill Nelson. Originally released as part of the Trial by Intimacy boxed set in 1984.

Side 1 -

Antennae Two
Transmission (N.B.C. 97293)
The Sleep of Hollywood
The Celestial Bridegroom
Under the Red Arch
Orient Pearl
Falling Blossoms
The Difficulty of Being
The Chinese Nightingale

Side 2 -

Soon September (Another Enchantment)
Rural Shires
Perfidio Incanto
The Lost Years
The Charm of Transit
Night Thoughts (Twilight Radio)
Realm of Dusk
Over Ocean

Bill Nelson - A Catalogue of Obsessions, Enigma Records 7 73379-4, 1989.

Written, composed, & played by Bill Nelson. Originally released as part of the Trial by Intimacy boxed set in 1984.

Side 1 -

Sex Party Six
Wider Windows for the Walls of the World
Time in Tokyo
Happily Addicted to You
Snakes with Wings
The Boy Pilots of Bangkok
Birds in Two Hemispheres
Windmills in a World Without Wind

Side 2 -

Love's First Kiss
Initiation of the Heart's Desire
Edge of Tears
Test of Affection
Words Across Tables
A Promise of Perfume
This Dangerous Age
The Glass Breakfast
Talk Technique
The Last Summer for Dancing
View from a Balcony

Bill Nelson - Savage Gestures for Charms Sake,
Enigma Records 7 73373-4, 1989.

Produced, & all instruments by Bill Nelson except saxophone on "The Man in the Rexine Suit" by Ian Nelson.

Side 1 -

The Man in the Rexine Suit
Watching My Dream Boat Go Down in Flames
The Meat Room

Side 2 -

Another Happy Thought (Carved for Ever in Your Cortex)
Portrait of Jan with Moon & Stars

Bill Nelson - Map Of Dreams, Enigma Records 7 73389-4, 1989.

Composed, performed & produced by Bill Nelson. Recorded at the Echo Observatory, Yorkshire. Music from the soundtrack of the TV Series.

Side 1 -

Legions of the Endless Night
Spinning Creatures
At the Gates of the Singing Garden
Heavenly Message Number One
Heavenly Message Number Two
Heavenly Message Number Three
Fellini's Picnic
Dark Angel
Infernal Regions
Dance of the Fragrant Woman

Side 2 -

The Alchemy of Ecstacy
Aphrodite Adorned
The Wheel of Fortune & the Hand of Fate
Forked Tongues, Mixed Blessings
Another Tricky Mission for the Celestial Pilot
Water of Life (Transfiguration)

Bill Nelson - The Two-fold Aspect of Everything, Cocteau Records JC 10, 1984.

Record One subtitled "Eaux d'Artifice" is a collection of remixes, obscure B-sides & rarities never before presented in album form.

Side A -

The Best that Can't Go Wrong
White Sound
Living in My Limousine (Remix)
Eros Arriving (Single Version)
Hope for the Heartbeat (Remix)
The Passion

Side B -

Ideal Homes
Instantly Yours
Atom Man Loves Radium Girl
Mr. Magnetism Himself
The Burning Question
Haunting in My Head
He & Sleep Were Brothers

Record Two subtitled "Confessions of a Four Track Mind" is made up of domestically recorded four-track demo tapes which due to lack of time were never developed further.

Side C -

Connie Buys a Kodak
Be My Dynamo
Touch & Glow
Love Without Fear
Dada Guitare
Turn to Fiction

Side D -

Rooms with Brittle Views
Love in the Abstract
Daily Bells
Hers is a Lush Situation
When the Birds Return
All My Wives Were Iron

Bill Nelson's Orchestra Arcana - Iconography,
Cocteau Records JC 18, 1986.

Conceived, arranged & produced by Bill Nelson. Recorded at the Echo Observatory, Yorkshire. Released under the name Bill Nelson's Orchestra Arcana because of his contract with CBS at the time.

Side A -

Christ Via Wires
Clock Conscious
I Wonder
Eastern Electric
Search & Listen
News from Nowhere
One Man's Fetish is Another Man's Faith

Side B -

Right, then Left
The Gods Speak
Life Class
Alter Natives
Sex, Psyche, Etcetera

Bill Nelson's Orchestra Arcana - Optimism, Cocteau Records JC21, 1988.

Written, recorded, produced by Bill Nelson.
Recorded at the Echo Observatory, Yorkshire.

Side A -

Exactly the Way You Want It
Why Be Lonely
Everday is a Better Day
The Receiver & The Fountain Pen
Welcome Home, Mr. Kane
This is True
Greeting a New Day
The Breath in My Father's Saxophone

Side B -

Our Lady of Apparitions
The Whole City Between Us
Deva Dance
Always Looking Forward to Tomorrow
World thru' Fast Car Window
Profiles, Hearts, Stars
Daughter of Dream Come True


UPDATE - Optimism is finally uplaoded, no thanks to me, but thanks to a visitor who
bothered to take the time to leave a comment...thanks djethell


  1. You are a great poster and most likely a superior human being. I bought the Trial By Intimacy box in 1984, it's my favorite work by Bill Nelson. I simply cannot express how happy you have made me.

  2. A truly wonderful posting. I had some of these tracks I recorded off the radio way back when and never knew the titles. Now I'm in heaven. One little request if I may. The link for the last album Optimism seems to be missing (or I'm too dumb to find it). Any chance of reposting?
    Thanks regardless of this request.
    Keep up the great work,
    D x

  3. to anon & djethell,
    thanks for your comments & most kind words.
    to djethell,
    I somehow never uploaded Optimism, as I was working on this post over several days as I ripped them. I will try to have the link posted by this Wednesday - Thursday latest. Thanks for letting me know (I'm the dumb one)

  4. Nice post you got here.
    I have 2 Trial by Intimacy box sets but cant listen to them because I no longer have a turn table. I noticed some chopping sounds on a few of the downloads..but it's still nice to be able to hear Trial and The Twofold Aspect of Everything after all these years.

  5. Wow...I'm finally getting 'The Summer Of God's Piano', I have been looking for it for ages! I had the tape version that I bought years ago but I finally played it till the tape disintergrated..found it on Amazon...but 25 quid!!&*?...I will get it as soon as a resonable copy comes along..anyway thanxx-a-million.

    the masked man

  6. I was a huge fan of this music in the vinyl days long since past. Now some is on iTunes (which I got from there) and all of this is here. Like finding buried treasure. Many many thanks!

  7. long time fan of Mr Nelson so thanks for putting these up, saves my scrachy old vinyl!

  8. a louisiana flood scrapped My Bill Nelson record, thanks for the culture

  9. Thanks so much for the sharing of Bill's hard to find music. You Rock Sir.

  10. To everyone who was nice enough to comment positively on the great Bill Nelson, a huge thank you all. I am currently looking through some old boxes of albums & cassettes looking for more Mr. Nelson.

  11. Thank you SO much! Like a few others, I have these on vinyl but no longer have a working turntable.

  12. fantastic - thanks greatly for this great music~

  13. beautiful.

  14. thanks a lot! summer of god's piano is great [and so hard to find]. the hermetic jukebox is great too. so much bill nelson, so little time.

  15. I have all of these on vinyl and have enjoyed them thoroughly over the years. And now I can again! Thanks for a great job.

  16. Not to sound stupid, but is there any easy and inexpensive way to connect a turntable to a PC?
    If I knew how to do this I could upload a lot of neat things.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


  17. To Anonymous 1234567,
    There are quite a number of ways to connect your standard turntable to your PC. Just google 'how do I...'
    or go to http://www.dak.com for a relatively inexpensive ($69) interface mixer preamp device.
    Hope this helps.

  18. Palaeo7

    Was quite excited about this until I looked at the file size and reliased you posted lossy rips. What a waste...

  19. Hey Palaeo7
    Fuck You.
    All rips are done by me at 320Kbps.
    Not flac but not 'lossy rips' asshole.

    1. Hey nathan.
      Man i've been looking everywhere for this record (Sounding the ritual echo)
      Everywhere i look the link is dead. You're my only hope. Could you upload this to mediafire?
      I would be so grateful... i've heard so many good things about this record.

      Thanks mate :)

  20. thanks for the files! I think Bill Nelson is a lost artist, lost by the tidal wave of punk, then new wave, grunge-no matter-he is an excellent musician who always innovates. Thanks again

    1. Could you upload your Sounding the ritual echo to mediafire willycannon?
      Megaupload is dead. I totally love all the other stuff i have heard so far.

      It would be greatly appreciated.


    2. to Ryuchi,

      when I click on your name I am directed to google?
      how about at least some virtual contact.
      if you checked out my most recent posting, I am in the midst
      of moving. I will be completely moved by May Day, & would
      be more than glad to re-up anything here as soon as I unpack the
      correct box.
      but in the mean time, let's get person-al.

    3. Oh nathan if you're glad to re-up anything, what about Map of Dreams bill nelson aswell?

      that would be sweet.
      I always come across your blog when im searching for music.
      I'll deffinatley check out your new blog too

      (i'll be checing my emails now every hour hahaha)


  21. MEGA decryption codes
    Sounding Echo
    God’s Piano
    Savage Gestures
    Map of Dreams
    Two Fold Aspect:
    Record 1
    Record 2



  24. Thanks a lot, I was specifically after the track 'Another Happy Thought' but sadly it skips throughout. Thanks for doing it though.

    1. JIRO,
      I sent you an email with a link to the song you wanted. Hope it is better.

  25. Thanks you for taking the time to post this Bill Nelson back catalogue. Some of the albums I never knew existed! I bought Quit Dreaming, Love that Whirls & Chimera when they were released, when I was a not even a teenager in Inverness, Scotland. Like his vocal, more commercial stuff, but also the instrumental/ambient music as well. Great stuff! Hope you are well, I suffer same condition. Good luck.

  26. Brilliant stuff. Does anyone out there have Ecclesia Gnostica (Music For The Interior Church)?

    1. Sorry I never got around to posting this last part when I posted up Chance Encounters.
      You can grab Ecclesia Gnostica here.

  27. Many thanks, just got a copy of Sounding at last! CD was stolen long ago and Insurance Co could not replace.

  28. Thanks for your posts they are really good, can you tell me if the the " two fold aspects" upload is a mixed compilation s all the tracks stop abruptly then go into the next track whereas if you source the tracks individually they are longer? though you're uploads sound much sharper..
    Cheer, Steven.

    1. If memory serves me, & it usually doesn't, I ripped two fold from a cassette I had of the two & there was indeed an issue with the track endings. The best I have though, so what can I do. If you find a better version, let me know & share it...I'll post it here in place of this one. Until then...

  29. Querido amigo Nathan:
    Te envío un abrazo enorme. La posibilidad de encontrar estas "joyitas" me ha insuflado aire fresco en mi sensibilidad musical.

    Firma: Federico, el desantropomorfosaurizador.

  30. Saludos amigo Federico. Intento difundir las "joyas". Me alegro de que los estés disfrutando. Nathan, el Nada.

  31. what is the mega nz decryption key please??

    1. All the decryption codes are different for each release. The list is in the 27th comment dated 8/14/2013. Just find the one(s) you want, cut & paste when prompted by MEGA.

  32. what is key decrypter for mega file sharing site....anyone??

    1. Bagginziz, ya never woulda completed a quest if ya can't search better than that. The decryption codes are always listed in the comments somewhere if they are needed.

  33. ...oh nvr mind about the decryption codes ,i found them in a later "blogpost" ; )

    1. You won't find the decryption codes for any of these files on a later "blogpost" as you say. All the decryption codes are unique to the files for which they are created.

  34. Fantastic offering. Thank you very much, Sir!

  35. Another fantastic post! Thank you from another Invernessian (what are the chances...)

    1. Welcome from Inverness & thanks for the kind words.

  36. Richie Muster2/21/25, 2:40 PM

    The thing about Bill is, he's such a prolific artist that if you take your eye off the ball for just a moment, you lose track of the releases. I got into Be Bop Deluxe very early but was then sidetracked by other things; before i knew it i'd lost track of what he was up to. I've been chasing down as much as possible (no little thanks to your good self mate) but i'm not sure i'll ever catch up.

  37. His diversity indeed equals the likes of David Bowie, but one thing about Nelson's music, pick most anything, give it a listen, you will be instantly aware of his talent & creative genius. As you can tell by the number of comments, his following is myriad. I of course hopped on with Be Bop. I have just tried to stay with the bloke for the tremendous ride. I have never been disappointed. I have much Bill but I too will never totally catch up. Anything you're looking for???

  38. Richie Muster2/25/25, 8:08 AM

    Nothing in particular bud. I have bits and bobs on vinyl/cd, and an expansive folder on my ext-hd (all of which, i suspect, comes from your good self) which i dip into when the Bill mood comes over me. There was one, perhaps two in your posts which were no longer available but i can't remember which they were. I'll backtrack when i have the chance and find out which. In the meantime, any you happen upon in your travels will be muchly appreciated.

  39. Richie Muster2/25/25, 8:14 AM

    The A-Austr, Nudity & Practically Wired are flagged as no longer available on mega. Any chance you could re-up those? Cheers.

    1. Re-upped & ready to go. Thanks for letting me know the links were dead. I just don't have the time to go back & check all links, so I rely on the kindness of others such as yerself to let me know. Much appreciated, my friend.

    2. Richie Muster2/26/25, 2:24 AM

      Top work, NØ. Just one glitch - i keep getting a message on the Nudity post telling me the decrypt code is wrong.

    3. I had the link messed up. Should be working fine now. Let me know if problem persists. Thanks.
