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Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

01 August 2024

My Meltd0wn Has Led to Pure Mania

I'm having a meltd0wn, a Digital Meltd0wn. Time to change streams in the middle of the horse.

Started off last month with a bombastic explanation that got shut d0wn before it even got off the ground. Then I spent the rest of the month with my tail between my legs. All the hard work ended up being Judy in Disguise minus the diamonds.

Thinking I better just slide into things quietly this time around. So, let's bust out the Vibrators... 


Zero_ii sez:
     The Vibrators were a little older & wiser than their Brit-punk brethren in the late 70s. They were already veterans of the pub rock scene in Britain when they recorded this. None of that prevents Pure Mania from taking it's rightful place alongside landmark British punk albums like: Never Mind the Bullocks; Damned, Damned, Damned; The Clash; the Buzzcocks Singles Going Steady; the Adverts Crossing the Red Sea; or  Wire's Pink Flag.

In fact, this album is superior to many of those albums in some respects. It's as melodic & consistent as the Buzzcocks, as terse & minimal as Wire, (almost) as demented as the Sex Pistols. It also has an element of fun you might find in the Damned or Adverts. They didn't try to communicate a message like the Clash did but they were connected to Roots music in a similar way. 


The Vibrators - Pure Mania, Epic EPC 82097, 1977.
decryption code in comments

Side 1 -
Into the Future...
Yeah Yeah Yeah
Sweet Sweet Heart
Keep it Clean
Baby Baby
No Heart
She's Bringing You Down

Side 2 -
London Girls
You Broke My Heart
Whips & Furs
Stiff Little Fingers
Wrecked on You
I Need a Slave
Bad Time

I'm having a meltd0wn, a Digital Meltd0wn,


  1. Pure Mania

  2. Too old for vibrators, maybe tomorrow.
    I'm not the one to judge, Free Willie.

    1. Never too old for these Vibrators, imo.

  3. Excellent album, 'Whips and Furs' is a particular favourite. All together now, "She drives a black Cadillac, whips and furs in the back etc etc"

    1. Definitely my kinda sing-along.

      Thanks for the comment, sir. Love yer blog, by the way.

      Particularly love yer African Odyssey. In 2013 I did Music Around the World. It was great finding music from every country around the globe: all the different groups; religions; tribes; sexes; whatever. It was a real eye-opener for me & many who visit here. One of my proudest achievements.
