On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

17 August 2024

Who Said, Port Said


NØ sez:
     What could be a better excuse for me to post up something by one of my favorite bands Muslimgauze, the non de guerre of Bryn Jones.

Bryn used his musick to paint a statement about the conditions in the Arab world. He used the artwork of his covers to paint a picture of rebellion. Although an outsider from Manchester, England, Bryn faithfully & honestly presented those same feeling of unrest through his music.

The ultra-prolific Bryn Jones was infatuated with the politics, music, sound, & feel of the Middle East. Almost every single release of his has sampled Middle Eastern speech, percussion, instruments, etc. to make some of the most incredible music out there, ranging from noise to dub to hip hop to ambient to.. well, whatever Port Said is.

Since this is a very limited release, I thought it would be excellent to post here. Although it is named after Egypt’s famous port, Port Said is unique among Jones’ releases in that it's one of few Muslimgauze releases with absolutely NO Middle Eastern influence. 


Muzlimgauze(sp) - Port Said, Audio.NL 004, 1999
decryption code in comments

Side a -
Port Said 1

Side b -
Port Said 2

I'm having a meltd0wn, a Digital Meltd0wn,


  1. Port Said EP

  2. NØ, thank you very much. I've been aware of them, now I can give them a listen!

    1. Let me know what you think about Muslimgauze. Always wondering what others think ofthe things I share. Also glad you found more M. Jones' releases. There are numerous others scattered about here.

    2. I have been totally swamped with the beginning of the new semester, but I'll get back to you. I haven't forgotten, I'm just treading water!

    3. Keep yer head up. Time...we all got. Just sometimes hard to find it.

  3. You know I'm a rabid fan. Always a joy when I see one of the few photos of Bryn on your site, I know you've got a wonderful bit to share. Thank you! The 2CD reissue of this one is incredible as well.

    1. These tracks are from the original 1999 EP. I have the Port Said/Report Said release as well. I plan on sharing the Report Said remixes at a future date. Thanks, Mooz.

  4. Richie Muster8/18/24, 9:17 AM

    Thanks very much for this. I've been listening to quite a bit of Muslimgauze recently, so this just fits the bill.

  5. Greetings NØ Here s a website of a shopi where I discovered most the Muslimgauze releases http://www.ambient.cz. Most of the stuff alternative music....Thanks for sharing the positive vibes.

    1. Good to hear from you again, brother. Been a while. I don't have any way/where to contact you so I just have to wait until you leave word.

      September is approaching rapidly. Think I'm ready for a Dubtacular month.

      If you have an email address, you could leave it in a comment. I won't post it but will be able to drop you a line when something comes up that I think you'll be interested in. There have been a few times as I was preparing Sound Systember that I had something that I wanted to share with you, but no way to contact. If you don't have or don't want to give it to me, it is totally kool. I am one who understands privacy.

      Stay sharp & Dub on.

  6. More Muslimgauze DLs please NØ, if possible!

    Do you have any of the following:

    - Coup D'Etat
    - Vampire of Tehran
    - Nadir of Purdah
    - Nile Quartra
    - Tandoori Dog
    - Jaagheed Zarb
    - Fedayeen
    - Mazar I Sharif
    - Farouk Engineer


    Thank you!

    1. Wanted to drop the first half ASAP but 9/2 = 4.5 so it was yes/no...4/5... But in the second five was Nile Quartra EP which was like .5, then I knew what to do. Nile Quartra is one of my favorite little chunks of Bryn. So here are 4.5. I’ll be on the other 4 post-haste.

      Coup d’Etat
      Farouk Enjineer
      Jaagheed Zarb
      Nile Quartra

    2. Oh jeez! even more to listen to! I'll get to work this weekend.

    3. Relax. They're not going anywhere fast. Chill with some Muslimgauzey Experimental Ambient Dub. The medium is the message. Just filling gaps.

  7. Here's the other four...

    Nadir of Purdah
    Tandoori Dog
    Vampire of Tehran


    1. It's like drinking from a fire hose!

    2. Just grab a glass & fill it up. Then drink at your own pace. We never step in the same river twice. By the way, you're kinda scaring me...that's what one of my old girl-friends used to say...ba-dum-dum!

  8. NØ, that's seriously impressive – I thought you might have one or two of those albums and only asked on the off-chance – and extremely generous of you! Many thanks!

  9. Incredible, you should indicate these 9 links more in a note, anyway muslimgause stays for the happy few

    1. A lot of these personal requests simply get filled in the comments & are meant to be found by those who take the time. You found them, others do & will. It's kinda like a treasure hunt. Enjoy.
