On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

05 August 2024

This Meltd0wn is Making Me Def & Dum


Zero_ii sez:
     Stinky Finger was the biggest band to come out of the East Tennessee area, which I call home. This was passed on to me from a friend of a friend. After hearing the album I was amazed that this was recorded in 1988. Their sound is original, but if I were forced to draw comparisons, I would describe it as a mix between the Beastie Boys & the Angry Samoans (huh?...NØ). I didn't have the pleasure of seeing them live, or listening to them when they were around. This album was uploaded by my friend Brian. The following is an excerpt from his write-up.

Now Brian sez:
     The Tri-Cities, (Bristol, Johnson City, Kingsport) was never known for it's music scene like Athens, Los Angeles, or Seattle. When I was a high school kid into punk rock, starting my first 'zines or bands my friends & I felt a bit outnumbered. The Sex Pistols / Ramones never really hit around here so, as far as the locals were concerned, we were the first wave of that. We took the shit that came with it & kept on going. A first glance at the music scene here didn't reveal much besides cover bands or music store prog rockers but there was something else happening. I'm gonna go ahead & go on record as saying that before two particular bands there was no real "alternative" music scene here. One of the bands was Brian & the Nightmares. The other was Stinky Finger. We all followed their lead. If I had to narrow it down even further, we followed Stinky Finger's lead. Not musically but in attitude. They were bigger, more influential in our scene than anyfuckingthing on MTV.

Def & Dum by Stinky Finger was put out on cassette only. It was recorded in Bristol at Classic Studios in 1988. I haven't owned a copy since I don't know when. A friend of mine ripped this from an original cassette. I am sharing it for it's historical value to the music scene of East Tennessee in addition to the fact that it fucking rocks! Stinky Finger were probably best described as a punk/rap band. At the time they were doing it the Beastie Boys were probably the only other comparable band but Stinky may have been even stinkier. Their lyrics were foul yet funny at the same time & the band was tight as a preacher's ass. 


Stinky Finger - Def & Dum cassette, Classic Records, 1988.
decryption code in comments

Side A -
1. Stinky Drinkin'
2. Sodomy
3. Cocaine Whore
4. Def Bird
5. Pollution
6. My Girlfriend

Side B -
7. Don't Waste My Time
8. We Be Trippin'
9. Fag Basher
10. You're Fat
11. My Penis
12. Fleas

I'm having a meltd0wn, a Digital Meltd0wn,


  1. Def & Dum

  2. "huh?" is my response to that description as well but Angry Somoans a mix between the Beastie Boys & the Angry Samoans sounds pretty intriguing. What have I got to lose? Thx!

    1. Not really me thing, but I'm having a Meltd0wn.

  3. Richie Muster8/6/24, 2:50 AM

    Another unknown pleasure. Who or what they are i'll soon find out. Cheers.

    1. That's the way, take a chance. Nothing to lose & all to gain. Thanks, brother.

  4. Replies
    1. This is definitely something I though you would enjoy. Thanks, Bro.
