On any post, if the link is no longer good, leave a comment if you want the music re-uploaded. As long as I still have the file, or the record, cd, or cassette to re-rip, I will gladly accommodate in a timely manner all such requests.

Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

07 June 2024

3,000.000 Served


On October 27, 2021 I sez:
     "Over night last night my visitor count passed the 2,000,000 mark. I realize that that's no big deal in light of the length of time I've been doing this, but for a "backwater blog" like I've got going here, it's kinda major to me. In fact, I'm mightily chuffed."

Well, over night last night my visitor count passed the 3,000,000 mark. So in less than three years I’ve had another million hits. So for a "backwater blog" like I've got going here, I'm even more mightily chuffed.

All I can really say to all of you out there cruising the interweb searching for musick is...

Thank you so much.


  1. You are a joy. Thank you for your kindness to us.

  2. Congratulations! And many thanks for all those excellent posts!

  3. Actually, thank you. Keep on truckin'.....please.

  4. Congratulations on making it past 3,000,000. That's a nice thing to have achieved, but of course it's only happened because of how interesting your blog is. Thanks for all the effort you put in to doing it, and for having opened me up to some intriguing new musical experiences.

  5. Thank you. I always look forward to a new post here.

  6. That's a mighty milestone. Thanks NØ for sharing.

  7. Congratulations! Thank you for all your work! 3,000,000 say thanks for the amazing music!

  8. To all who have commented so positively, You are the reasons that I keep on keeping on. You all rawk.

  9. Wow NØ it's a great achievement, but you work hard and share some very interesting stuff on your site!! A visit never disappoints!! 🖖😎👌

  10. Richie Muster6/8/24, 5:22 AM

    A marvellous, noteworthy achievement. Keep going!

  11. Very nice! I always enjoy my visits here. Cheers, and here's to another quick 3 million

  12. To those who have added their kind words since my last reply...it's all because of you.

  13. Wow! 3 million views. Amazing, but not perhaps that surprising as your blog is constantly interesting. Cheers and thanks mate.

    1. thank you, friend. you are many of the millions.

  14. Congrats N0! Not too shabby for a "Backwater Blog" ;-}

    1. I will always be grateful for that tagline, MrDave. & thanks.
