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Slinging tuneage like some fried or otherwise soused short-order cook

26 February 2024

Fab, Trip 26

For those who have stayed the course this month, thanks for bearing with another of my obsessions. Trying to ramp things up to a big climax. Heading forward in time to the newest era of Trip-hop...today's Trip-hop. Give this Belle a wring. 


Anomie Belle is the performing name of Toby Campbell of Seattle, Washington, a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, songwriter, producer, & political artivist who uses her artistic talents to fight against injustice & oppression by any medium necessary. She began writing & recording her own music as a child, developing a uniquely personal eclectic avant-garde musical style.

She has collaborated with many noted musicians, both Bonobo & Tricky in the Trip-hop vein. Her music is a mix of electronic & organic instrumentation, fiercely sensual vocals with thickly layered, ethereal soundscapes.

Her artivism has been described as "beautiful desocialization". Her songs are critical of blind adherence to consumerism. They're smoky & sultry yet champion individuality & critical thinking.

Toby sez:
     "I grew up in your prototypical American suburb. The manicured lawns, strip mall parking lots, chain stores, and massive expanses of cement and housing developments depressed me. I chose the moniker Anomie Belle to speak to the decadent alienation of the American dream. Growing up, music became my outlet. Bored by video games and dollhouses, I plunked away on my parent's piano for hours at a time, teaching myself to play blues riffs and writing little pop songs."  


Anomie Belle - The Crush, Anomie Belle self-released, 2011.
decryption code in comments

Electric Lullaby   
Inky Drips
It's a Crush   
Mosquito in the Closet   
Bodies Offering   
Picture Perfect
Lost Horizon
On TV   
Lavender Days   

Enjoy the Trip,

1 comment:

  1. The Crush
